class InteractionManager extends EventEmitter
The interaction manager deals with mouse, touch and pointer events.
Any DisplayObject can be interactive if its interactive
property is set to true.
This manager also supports multitouch.
An instance of this class is automatically created by default, and can be found at renderer.plugins.interaction
new PIXI.InteractionManager(renderer: PIXI.CanvasRenderer | PIXI.Renderer, options: InteractionManagerOptions) → {}
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
renderer | PIXI.CanvasRenderer | PIXI.Renderer |
A reference to the current renderer |
options | InteractionManagerOptions |
<optional> |
The options for the manager. |
options.autoPreventDefault | boolean |
<optional> |
true |
Should the manager automatically prevent default browser actions. |
options.interactionFrequency | number |
<optional> |
10 |
Maximum frequency (ms) at pointer over/out states will be checked. |
options.useSystemTicker | number |
<optional> |
true |
Whether to add tickerUpdate to {@link PIXI.Ticker.system}. |
Properties from InteractionManager
boolean |
string |
The mode of the cursor that is being used. The value of this is a key from the cursorStyles dictionary. |
Object<string, Object> |
PIXI.InteractionEvent |
An event data object to handle all the event tracking/dispatching. |
number |
PIXI.InteractionData |
The mouse data. |
boolean |
PIXI.AbstractRenderer |
The renderer this interaction manager works for. |
number |
boolean |
Does the device support pointer events https://www.w3.org/Submission/pointer-events/ |
boolean |
Does the device support touch events https://www.w3.org/TR/touch-events/ |
boolean |
boolean |
Have events been attached to the dom element? |
HTMLElement |
The DOM element to bind to. |
PIXI.DisplayObject |
boolean |
Is the mouse hovering over the renderer? If working in worker mouse considered to be over renderer by default. |
boolean |
Has the system ticker been added? |
Methods from InteractionManager
void |
Destroys the interaction manager. |
PIXI.DisplayObject |
void |
void |
void |
void |
void |
Updates the state of interactive objects. |
void |
Events from InteractionManager
Public Properties
autoPreventDefault: boolean = true
Should default browser actions automatically be prevented. Does not apply to pointer events for backwards compatibility as preventDefault on pointer events stops mouse events from firing. Thus, for every pointer event, there will always be either a mouse of touch event alongside it.
currentCursorMode: string
The mode of the cursor that is being used. The value of this is a key from the cursorStyles dictionary.
cursorStyles: Object<string, Object>
Dictionary of how different cursor modes are handled. Strings are handled as CSS cursor values, objects are handled as dictionaries of CSS values for interactionDOMElement, and functions are called instead of changing the CSS. Default CSS cursor values are provided for 'default' and 'pointer' modes.
eventData: PIXI.InteractionEvent
An event data object to handle all the event tracking/dispatching.
interactionFrequency: number = 10
Maximum frequency in milliseconds at which pointer over/out states will be checked by tickerUpdate.
moveWhenInside: boolean = false
This property determines if mousemove and touchmove events are fired only when the cursor is over the object. Setting to true will make things work more in line with how the DOM version works. Setting to false can make things easier for things like dragging It is currently set to false as this is how PixiJS used to work. This will be set to true in future versions of pixi.
renderer: PIXI.AbstractRenderer
The renderer this interaction manager works for.
resolution: number = 1
The current resolution / device pixel ratio.
supportsPointerEvents: boolean
Does the device support pointer events https://www.w3.org/Submission/pointer-events/
supportsTouchEvents: boolean
Does the device support touch events https://www.w3.org/TR/touch-events/
useSystemTicker: boolean = true
Should the InteractionManager automatically add tickerUpdate to {@link PIXI.Ticker.system}.
Protected Properties
protected eventsAdded: boolean
Have events been attached to the dom element?
protected interactionDOMElement: HTMLElement
The DOM element to bind to.
protected lastObjectRendered: PIXI.DisplayObject
Last rendered object or temp object.
protected mouseOverRenderer: boolean
Is the mouse hovering over the renderer? If working in worker mouse considered to be over renderer by default.
protected tickerAdded: boolean
Has the system ticker been added?
Public Methods
destroy() → {void}
Destroys the interaction manager.
Type | Description |
void |
hitTest(globalPoint: PIXI.Point, root: PIXI.DisplayObject) → {PIXI.DisplayObject}
Hit tests a point against the display tree, returning the first interactive object that is hit.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
globalPoint | PIXI.Point |
A point to hit test with, in global space. |
root | PIXI.DisplayObject |
<optional> |
The root display object to start from. If omitted, defaults to the last rendered root of the associated renderer. |
Type | Description |
PIXI.DisplayObject |
mapPositionToPoint(point: IPointData, x: number, y: number) → {void}
Maps x and y coords from a DOM object and maps them correctly to the PixiJS view. The resulting value is stored in the point. This takes into account the fact that the DOM element could be scaled and positioned anywhere on the screen.
Name | Type | Description |
point | IPointData |
the point that the result will be stored in |
x | number |
the x coord of the position to map |
y | number |
the y coord of the position to map |
Type | Description |
void |
setCursorMode(mode: string) → {void}
Sets the current cursor mode, handling any callbacks or CSS style changes.
Name | Type | Description |
mode | string |
cursor mode, a key from the cursorStyles dictionary |
Type | Description |
void |
setTargetElement(element: HTMLElement, resolution: number) → {void}
Sets the DOM element which will receive mouse/touch events. This is useful for when you have other DOM elements on top of the renderers Canvas element. With this you'll be bale to delegate another DOM element to receive those events.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
element | HTMLElement |
the DOM element which will receive mouse and touch events. |
resolution | number | 1 |
The resolution / device pixel ratio of the new element (relative to the canvas). |
Type | Description |
void |
tickerUpdate(deltaTime: number) → {void}
Updates the state of interactive objects if at least interactionFrequency milliseconds have passed since the last invocation.
Invoked by a throttled ticker update from PIXI.Ticker.system.
Name | Type | Description |
deltaTime | number |
time delta since the last call |
Type | Description |
void |
update() → {void}
Updates the state of interactive objects.
Type | Description |
void |
Protected Methods
protected processInteractive(interactionEvent: PIXI.InteractionEvent, displayObject: PIXI.DisplayObject, func: InteractionCallback, hitTest: boolean) → {void}
This function is provides a neat way of crawling through the scene graph and running a specified function on all interactive objects it finds. It will also take care of hit testing the interactive objects and passes the hit across in the function.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
interactionEvent | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
event containing the point that is tested for collision |
displayObject | PIXI.DisplayObject |
the displayObject that will be hit test (recursively crawls its children) |
func | InteractionCallback |
<optional> |
the function that will be called on each interactive object. The interactionEvent, displayObject and hit will be passed to the function |
hitTest | boolean |
<optional> |
indicates whether we want to calculate hits or just iterate through all interactive objects |
Type | Description |
void |
Fired when a pointer device button (usually a mouse left-button) is pressed and released on the display object.
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |
Fired when a pointer device button (usually a mouse left-button) is pressed on the display object.
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |
Fired when a pointer device (usually a mouse) is moved while over the display object
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |
Fired when a pointer device (usually a mouse) is moved off the display object
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |
Fired when a pointer device (usually a mouse) is moved onto the display object
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |
Fired when a pointer device button (usually a mouse left-button) is released over the display object.
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |
Fired when a pointer device button (usually a mouse left-button) is released outside the display object that initially registered a mousedown.
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |
Fired when the operating system cancels a pointer event
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |
Fired when a pointer device button is pressed on the display object.
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |
Fired when a pointer device is moved while over the display object
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |
Fired when a pointer device is moved off the display object
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |
Fired when a pointer device is moved onto the display object
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |
Fired when a pointer device button is pressed and released on the display object.
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |
Fired when a pointer device button is released over the display object. Not always fired when some buttons are held down while others are released. In those cases, use mousedown and [mouseup]{@link PIXI.InteractionManager#event:mouseup} instead.
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |
Fired when a pointer device button is released outside the display object that initially registered a pointerdown.
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |
Fired when a pointer device secondary button (usually a mouse right-button) is pressed and released on the display object.
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |
Fired when a pointer device secondary button (usually a mouse right-button) is pressed on the display object.
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |
Fired when a pointer device secondary button (usually a mouse right-button) is released over the display object.
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |
Fired when a pointer device secondary button (usually a mouse right-button) is released outside the display object that initially registered a rightdown.
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |
Fired when a touch point is placed and removed from the display object.
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |
Fired when the operating system cancels a touch
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |
Fired when a touch point is removed from the display object.
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |
Fired when a touch point is removed outside of the display object that initially registered a touchstart.
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |
Fired when a touch point is moved along the display object.
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |
Fired when a touch point is placed on the display object.
Name | Type | Description |
event | PIXI.InteractionEvent |
Interaction event |