namespace PIXI


Properties from PIXI

static DATA_URI = undefined
static DEG_TO_RAD

Conversion factor for converting degrees to radians.

static PI_2

Two Pi.

static RAD_TO_DEG

Conversion factor for converting radians to degrees.

static VERSION = "$_VERSION"

String of the current PIXI version.


Public Properties

DATA_URI const.ts:1
static DATA_URI = undefined

Regexp for data URI. Based on: https://github.com/ragingwind/data-uri-regex

DEG_TO_RAD const.ts:19
static DEG_TO_RAD: number

Conversion factor for converting degrees to radians.

static GRAPHICS_CURVES: object

Graphics curves resolution settings. If adaptive flag is set to true, the resolution is calculated based on the curve's length to ensure better visual quality. Adaptive draw works with bezierCurveTo and quadraticCurveTo.

INSTALLED autoDetectResource.ts:35
static INSTALLED: Array<PIXI.IResourcePlugin>

Collection of installed resource types, class must extend PIXI.Resource.

PI_2 const.ts:1
static PI_2: number

Two Pi.

RAD_TO_DEG const.ts:10
static RAD_TO_DEG: number

Conversion factor for converting radians to degrees.

VERSION index.ts:47
static VERSION: string = "$_VERSION"

String of the current PIXI version.

defaultFilterVertex index.ts:10
defaultFilterVertex: string

Default filter vertex shader

defaultVertex index.ts:4
defaultVertex: string

Default vertex shader

Public Methods

autoDetectResource autoDetectResource.ts:63
autoDetectResource(source: string | unknown, options: object) → {PIXI.Resource}

Create a resource element from a single source element. This auto-detects which type of resource to create. All resources that are auto-detectable must have a static test method and a constructor with the arguments (source, options?). Currently, the supported resources for auto-detection include:

Name Type Attributes Default Description
source string | unknown

Resource source, this can be the URL to the resource, a typed-array (for BufferResource), HTMLVideoElement, SVG data-uri or any other resource that can be auto-detected. If not resource is detected, it's assumed to be an ImageResource.

options object


Pass-through options to use for Resource

options.width number


Width of BufferResource or SVG rasterization

options.height number


Height of BufferResource or SVG rasterization

options.autoLoad boolean



Image, SVG and Video flag to start loading

options.scale number



SVG source scale. Overridden by width, height

options.createBitmap boolean



Image option to create Bitmap object

options.crossorigin boolean



Image and Video option to set crossOrigin

options.autoPlay boolean



Video option to start playing video immediately

options.updateFPS number



Video option to update how many times a second the texture should be updated from the video. Leave at 0 to update at every render

Type Description

The created resource.

autoDetectRenderer autoDetectRenderer.ts:8
autoDetectRenderer(options: object) → {PIXI.Renderer | PIXI.CanvasRenderer}

This helper function will automatically detect which renderer you should be using. WebGL is the preferred renderer as it is a lot faster. If WebGL is not supported by the browser then this function will return a canvas renderer

Name Type Attributes Default Description
options object


The optional renderer parameters

options.width number



the width of the renderers view

options.height number



the height of the renderers view

options.view HTMLCanvasElement


the canvas to use as a view, optional

options.useContextAlpha boolean



Pass-through value for canvas' context alpha property. If you want to set transparency, please use backgroundAlpha. This option is for cases where the canvas needs to be opaque, possibly for performance reasons on some older devices.

options.autoDensity boolean



Resizes renderer view in CSS pixels to allow for resolutions other than 1

options.antialias boolean



sets antialias

options.preserveDrawingBuffer boolean



enables drawing buffer preservation, enable this if you need to call toDataUrl on the webgl context

options.backgroundColor number



The background color of the rendered area (shown if not transparent).

options.backgroundAlpha number



Value from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (fully opaque).

options.clearBeforeRender boolean



This sets if the renderer will clear the canvas or not before the new render pass.

options.resolution number



The resolution / device pixel ratio of the renderer.

options.forceCanvas boolean



prevents selection of WebGL renderer, even if such is present, this option only is available when using pixi.js-legacy or @pixi/canvas-renderer modules, otherwise it is ignored.

options.powerPreference string


Parameter passed to webgl context, set to "high-performance" for devices with dual graphics card webgl only

Type Description
PIXI.Renderer | PIXI.CanvasRenderer

Returns WebGL renderer if available, otherwise CanvasRenderer

floatEqual index.ts:17
floatEqual(a: number, b: number, epsilon: number) → {boolean}

The idea of a relative epsilon comparison is to find the difference between the two numbers, and see if it is less than a given epsilon. A good epsilon would be the N% of the largest of the two values or Math.EPSILON.

Note: Only available with @pixi/math-extras.

Name Type Description
a number

First floating number to compare.

b number

Second floating number to compare.

epsilon number

The epsilon to compare to. The larger the epsilon, the easier for the numbers to be considered equals.

Type Description

Returns true if the difference between the values is less than the given epsilon; otherwise false.

lineIntersection index.ts:124
lineIntersection(aStart: IPointData, aEnd: IPointData, bStart: IPointData, bEnd: IPointData, outPoint: IPointData) → {IPointData}

Computes the point where non-coincident and non-parallel Lines intersect. Coincident or parallel lines return a NaN point {x: NaN, y: NaN}. The intersection point may land outside the extents of the lines.

Note: Only available with @pixi/math-extras.

Name Type Description
aStart IPointData

First point of the first line.

aEnd IPointData

Second point of the first line.

bStart IPointData

First point of the second line.

bEnd IPointData

Second point of the second line.

outPoint IPointData

A Point-like object in which to store the value, optional (otherwise will create a new Point).

Type Description

The point where the lines intersect or a NaN Point.

segmentIntersection index.ts:162
segmentIntersection(aStart: IPointData, aEnd: IPointData, bStart: IPointData, bEnd: IPointData, outPoint: IPointData) → {IPointData}

Computes the point where non-coincident and non-parallel segments intersect. Coincident, parallel or non-intersecting segments return a NaN point {x: NaN, y: NaN}. The intersection point must land inside the extents of the segments or return a NaN Point.

Note: Only available with @pixi/math-extras.

Name Type Description
aStart IPointData

Starting point of the first segment.

aEnd IPointData

Ending point of the first segment.

bStart IPointData

Starting point of the second segment.

bEnd IPointData

Ending point of the second segment.

outPoint IPointData

A Point-like object in which to store the value, optional (otherwise will create a new Point).

Type Description

The point where the segments intersect or a NaN Point.