
class Filter extends PIXI.Shader

A filter is a special shader that applies post-processing effects to an input texture and writes into an output render-target.

Example of the BlurFilter.


Filters can be applied to any DisplayObject or Container. PixiJS' FilterSystem renders the container into temporary Framebuffer, then filter renders it to the screen. Multiple filters can be added to the filters array property and stacked on each other.

const filter = new PIXI.Filter(myShaderVert, myShaderFrag, { myUniform: 0.5 });
const container = new PIXI.Container();
container.filters = [filter];

Previous Version Differences

In PixiJS v3, a filter was always applied to whole screen.

In PixiJS v4, a filter can be applied only part of the screen. Developers had to create a set of uniforms to deal with coordinates.

In PixiJS v5 combines both approaches. Developers can use normal coordinates of v3 and then allow filter to use partial Framebuffers, bringing those extra uniforms into account.

Also be aware that we have changed default vertex shader, please consult Wiki.


The following table summarizes the coordinate spaces used in the filtering pipeline:

Coordinate Space Description
Texture Coordinates The texture (or UV) coordinates in the input base-texture's space. These are normalized into the (0,1) range along both axes.
World Space A point in the same space as the world bounds of any display-object (i.e. in the scene graph's space).
Physical Pixels This is base-texture's space with the origin on the top-left. You can calculate these by multiplying the texture coordinates by the dimensions of the texture.

Built-in Uniforms

PixiJS viewport uses screen (CSS) coordinates, (0, 0, renderer.screen.width, renderer.screen.height), and projectionMatrix uniform maps it to the gl viewport.


The most important uniform is the input texture that container was rendered into. Important note: as with all Framebuffers in PixiJS, both input and output are premultiplied by alpha.

By default, input normalized coordinates are passed to fragment shader with vTextureCoord. Use it to sample the input.

const fragment = `
varying vec2 vTextureCoord;
uniform sampler2D uSampler;
void main(void)
   gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);

const myFilter = new PIXI.Filter(null, fragment);

This filter is just one uniform less than AlphaFilter.


The outputFrame holds the rectangle where filter is applied in screen (CSS) coordinates. It's the same as renderer.screen for a fullscreen filter. Only a part of outputFrame.zw size of temporary Framebuffer is used, (0, 0, outputFrame.width, outputFrame.height),

Filters uses this quad to normalized (0-1) space, its passed into aVertexPosition attribute. To calculate vertex position in screen space using normalized (0-1) space:

vec4 filterVertexPosition( void )
    vec2 position = aVertexPosition * max(outputFrame.zw, vec2(0.)) + outputFrame.xy;
    return vec4((projectionMatrix * vec3(position, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);


Temporary framebuffer is different, it can be either the size of screen, either power-of-two. The inputSize.xy are size of temporary framebuffer that holds input. The inputSize.zw is inverted, it's a shortcut to evade division inside the shader.

Set inputSize.xy = outputFrame.zw for a fullscreen filter.

To calculate input normalized coordinate, you have to map it to filter normalized space. Multiply by outputFrame.zw to get input coordinate. Divide by inputSize.xy to get input normalized coordinate.

vec2 filterTextureCoord( void )
    return aVertexPosition * (outputFrame.zw * inputSize.zw); // same as /inputSize.xy


The resolution is the ratio of screen (CSS) pixels to real pixels.


inputPixel.xy is the size of framebuffer in real pixels, same as inputSize.xy * resolution inputPixel.zw is inverted inputPixel.xy.

It's handy for filters that use neighbour pixels, like FXAAFilter.


If you try to get info from outside of used part of Framebuffer - you'll get undefined behaviour. For displacements, coordinates has to be clamped.

The inputClamp.xy is left-top pixel center, you may ignore it, because we use left-top part of Framebuffer inputClamp.zw is bottom-right pixel center.

vec4 color = texture2D(uSampler, clamp(modifiedTextureCoord, inputClamp.xy, inputClamp.zw))


vec4 color = texture2D(uSampler, min(modifigedTextureCoord, inputClamp.zw))

Additional Information

Complete documentation on Filter usage is located in the Wiki.

Since PixiJS only had a handful of built-in filters, additional filters can be downloaded here from the PixiJS Filters repository.


new PIXI.Filter(vertexSrc: string, fragmentSrc: string, uniforms: Dict) → {}
Name Type Attributes Description
vertexSrc string


The source of the vertex shader.

fragmentSrc string


The source of the fragment shader.

uniforms Dict<any>


Custom uniforms to use to augment the built-in ones.


Properties from Filter

static defaultFragmentSrc
static defaultVertexSrc

Used for caching shader IDs.

autoFit = true

If enabled is true the filter is applied, if false it will not.


The samples of the filter.


The WebGL state the filter requires to render.

Methods from Filter

apply(filterManager: PIXI.FilterSystem, input: PIXI.RenderTexture, output: PIXI.RenderTexture, clearMode: PIXI.CLEAR_MODES, _currentState: object)

Properties inherited from Shader


Program that the shader uses.


Public Properties

defaultFragmentSrc Filter.ts:293
static defaultFragmentSrc: string

The default fragment shader source

defaultVertexSrc Filter.ts:284
static defaultVertexSrc: string

The default vertex shader source

SOURCE_KEY_MAP Filter.ts:302
static SOURCE_KEY_MAP: Dict<string>

Used for caching shader IDs.

autoFit Filter.ts:198
autoFit: boolean = true

If enabled, PixiJS will fit the filter area into boundaries for better performance. Switch it off if it does not work for specific shader.

blendMode Filter.ts:256

Sets the blend mode of the filter.

enabled Filter.ts:195
enabled: boolean

If enabled is true the filter is applied, if false it will not.

legacy Filter.ts:205
legacy: boolean

Legacy filters use position and uvs from attributes (set by filter system)

multisample Filter.ts:192
multisample: PIXI.MSAA_QUALITY

The samples of the filter.

padding Filter.ts:185
padding: number

The padding of the filter. Some filters require extra space to breath such as a blur. Increasing this will add extra width and height to the bounds of the object that the filter is applied to.

resolution Filter.ts:270
resolution: number

The resolution of the filter. Setting this to be lower will lower the quality but increase the performance of the filter.

state Filter.ts:211
state: PIXI.State

The WebGL state the filter requires to render.

Public Methods

apply Filter.ts:236
apply(filterManager: PIXI.FilterSystem, input: PIXI.RenderTexture, output: PIXI.RenderTexture, clearMode: PIXI.CLEAR_MODES, _currentState: object) → {void}

Applies the filter

Name Type Attributes Description
filterManager PIXI.FilterSystem

The renderer to retrieve the filter from

input PIXI.RenderTexture

The input render target.

output PIXI.RenderTexture

The target to output to.



Should the output be cleared before rendering to it.

_currentState object


It's current state of filter. There are some useful properties in the currentState : target, filters, sourceFrame, destinationFrame, renderTarget, resolution

Type Description

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