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import { default as cssColorNames } from 'css-color-names';
* Converts a hexadecimal color number to an [R, G, B] array of normalized floats (numbers from 0.0 to 1.0).
* @example
* PIXI.utils.hex2rgb(0xffffff); // returns [1, 1, 1]
* @memberof PIXI.utils
* @function hex2rgb
* @param {number} hex - The hexadecimal number to convert
* @param {number[]} [out=[]] - If supplied, this array will be used rather than returning a new one
* @returns {number[]} An array representing the [R, G, B] of the color where all values are floats.
export function hex2rgb(hex: number, out: Array<number> | Float32Array = []): Array<number> | Float32Array
out[0] = ((hex >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255;
out[1] = ((hex >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255;
out[2] = (hex & 0xFF) / 255;
return out;
* Converts a hexadecimal color number to a string.
* @example
* PIXI.utils.hex2string(0xffffff); // returns "#ffffff"
* @memberof PIXI.utils
* @function hex2string
* @param {number} hex - Number in hex (e.g., `0xffffff`)
* @returns {string} The string color (e.g., `"#ffffff"`).
export function hex2string(hex: number): string
let hexString = hex.toString(16);
hexString = '000000'.substring(0, 6 - hexString.length) + hexString;
return `#${hexString}`;
* Converts a string to a hexadecimal color number.
* It can handle:
* hex strings starting with #: "#ffffff"
* hex strings starting with 0x: "0xffffff"
* hex strings without prefix: "ffffff"
* css colors: "black"
* @example
* PIXI.utils.string2hex("#ffffff"); // returns 0xffffff
* @memberof PIXI.utils
* @function string2hex
* @param {string} string - The string color (e.g., `"#ffffff"`)
* @returns {number} Number in hexadecimal.
export function string2hex(string: string): number
if (typeof string === 'string')
string = (cssColorNames as {[key: string]: string})[string.toLowerCase()] || string;
if (string[0] === '#')
string = string.slice(1);
return parseInt(string, 16);
* Converts a color as an [R, G, B] array of normalized floats to a hexadecimal number.
* @example
* PIXI.utils.rgb2hex([1, 1, 1]); // returns 0xffffff
* @memberof PIXI.utils
* @function rgb2hex
* @param {number[]} rgb - Array of numbers where all values are normalized floats from 0.0 to 1.0.
* @returns {number} Number in hexadecimal.
export function rgb2hex(rgb: number[] | Float32Array): number
return (((rgb[0] * 255) << 16) + ((rgb[1] * 255) << 8) + (rgb[2] * 255 | 0));