import { Container, Bounds } from '@pixi/display';
import { DRAW_MODES } from '@pixi/constants';
import { Texture, Renderer } from '@pixi/core';
import { TileRenderer } from './TileRenderer';
import { Matrix, Rectangle, groupD8 } from '@pixi/math';
import { settings } from './settings';
import { CanvasTileRenderer } from './CanvasTileRenderer';

import type { BaseTexture } from '@pixi/core';
import type { IDestroyOptions } from '@pixi/display';
import type { TilemapGeometry } from './TilemapShader';


export const POINT_STRUCT_SIZE = (Object.keys(POINT_STRUCT).length / 2);

 * A rectangular tilemap implementation that renders a predefined set of tile textures.
 * The {@link Tilemap.tileset tileset} of a tilemap defines the list of base-textures that can be painted in the
 * tilemap. A texture is identified using its base-texture's index into the this list, i.e. changing the base-texture
 * at a given index in the tileset modifies the paint of all tiles pointing to that index.
 * The size of the tileset is limited by the texture units supported by the client device. The minimum supported
 * value is 8, as defined by the WebGL 1 specification. `gl.getParameter(gl.MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS`) can be used
 * to extract this limit. {@link CompositeTilemap} can be used to get around this limit by layering multiple tilemap
 * instances.
 * @example
 * import { Tilemap } from '@pixi/tilemap';
 * import { Loader } from '@pixi/loaders';
 * // Add the spritesheet into your loader!
 * Loader.shared.add('atlas', 'assets/atlas.json');
 * // Make the tilemap once the tileset assets are available.
 * Loader.shared.load(function onTilesetLoaded()
 * {
 *      // The base-texture is shared between all the tile textures.
 *      const tilemap = new Tilemap([Texture.from('grass.png').baseTexture])
 *          .tile('grass.png', 0, 0)
 *          .tile('grass.png', 100, 100)
 *          .tile('brick_wall.png', 0, 100);
 * });
export class Tilemap extends Container
    shadowColor = new Float32Array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5]);
    _globalMat: Matrix = null;

     * The tile animation frame.
     * @see CompositeTilemap.tileAnim
    public tileAnim: [number, number] = null;

     * This is the last uploaded size of the tilemap geometry.
     * @ignore
    modificationMarker = 0;

    /** @ignore */
    offsetX = 0;

    /** @ignore */
    offsetY = 0;

    /** @ignore */
    compositeParent = false;

     * The list of base-textures being used in the tilemap.
     * This should not be shuffled after tiles have been added into this tilemap. Usually, only tile textures
     * should be added after tiles have been added into the map.
    protected tileset: Array<BaseTexture>;

     * The local bounds of the tilemap itself. This does not include DisplayObject children.
    protected readonly tilemapBounds = new Bounds();

    /** Flags whether any animated tile was added. */
    protected hasAnimatedTile = false;

    /** The interleaved geometry of the tilemap. */
    private pointsBuf: Array<number> = [];

     * @param tileset - The tileset to use for the tilemap. This can be reset later with {@link Tilemap.setTileset}. The
     *      base-textures in this array must not be duplicated.
    constructor(tileset: BaseTexture | Array<BaseTexture>)

     * @returns The tileset of this tilemap.
    getTileset(): Array<BaseTexture>
        return this.tileset;

     * Define the tileset used by the tilemap.
     * @param tileset - The list of textures to use in the tilemap. If a base-texture (not array) is passed, it will
     *  be wrapped into an array. This should not contain any duplicates.
    setTileset(tileset: BaseTexture | Array<BaseTexture> = []): this
        if (!Array.isArray(tileset))
            tileset = [tileset];
        for (let i = 0; i < tileset.length; i++)
            if ((tileset[i] as unknown as Texture).baseTexture)
                tileset[i] = (tileset[i] as unknown as Texture).baseTexture;

        this.tileset = tileset;

        return this;

    /**  Clears all the tiles added into this tilemap. */
    clear(): this
        this.pointsBuf.length = 0;
        this.modificationMarker = 0;
        this.hasAnimatedTile = false;

        return this;

     * Adds a tile that paints the given texture at (x, y).
     * @param tileTexture - The tiling texture to render.
     * @param x - The local x-coordinate of the tile's position.
     * @param y - The local y-coordinate of the tile's position.
     * @param options - Additional tile options.
     * @param [options.u=texture.frame.x] - The x-coordinate of the texture in its base-texture's space.
     * @param [options.v=texture.frame.y] - The y-coordinate of the texture in its base-texture's space.
     * @param [options.tileWidth=texture.orig.width] - The local width of the tile.
     * @param [options.tileHeight=texture.orig.height] - The local height of the tile.
     * @param [options.animX=0] - For animated tiles, this is the "offset" along the x-axis for adjacent
     *      animation frame textures in the base-texture.
     * @param [options.animY=0] - For animated tiles, this is the "offset" along the y-axis for adjacent
     *      animation frames textures in the base-texture.
     * @param [options.rotate=0]
     * @param [options.animCountX=1024] - For animated tiles, this is the number of animation frame textures
     *      per row.
     * @param [options.animCountY=1024] - For animated tiles, this is the number of animation frame textures
     *      per column.
     * @param [options.animDivisor=1] - For animated tiles, this is the animation duration of each frame
     * @param [options.alpha=1] - Tile alpha
     * @return This tilemap, good for chaining.
        tileTexture: number | string | Texture | BaseTexture,
        x: number,
        y: number,
        options: {
            u?: number,
            v?: number,
            tileWidth?: number,
            tileHeight?: number,
            animX?: number,
            animY?: number,
            rotate?: number,
            animCountX?: number,
            animCountY?: number,
            animDivisor?: number,
            alpha?: number,
        } = {}
    ): this
        let baseTexture: BaseTexture;
        let textureIndex = -1;

        if (typeof tileTexture === 'number')
            textureIndex = tileTexture;
            baseTexture = this.tileset[textureIndex];
            let texture: Texture | BaseTexture;

            if (typeof tileTexture === 'string')
                texture = Texture.from(tileTexture);
                texture = tileTexture;

            const textureList = this.tileset;

            for (let i = 0; i < textureList.length; i++)
                if (textureList[i] === texture.castToBaseTexture())
                    textureIndex = i;

            if ('baseTexture' in texture)
                options.u = options.u ?? texture.frame.x;
                options.v = options.v ?? texture.frame.y;
                options.tileWidth = options.tileWidth ?? texture.orig.width;
                options.tileHeight = options.tileHeight ?? texture.orig.height;

            baseTexture = texture.castToBaseTexture();

        if (!baseTexture || textureIndex < 0)
            console.error('The tile texture was not found in the tilemap tileset.');

            return this;

        const {
            u = 0,
            v = 0,
            tileWidth = baseTexture.realWidth,
            tileHeight = baseTexture.realHeight,
            animX = 0,
            animY = 0,
            rotate = 0,
            animCountX = 1024,
            animCountY = 1024,
            animDivisor = 1,
            alpha = 1,
        } = options;

        const pb = this.pointsBuf;

        this.hasAnimatedTile = this.hasAnimatedTile || animX > 0 || animY > 0;

        pb.push(animX | 0);
        pb.push(animY | 0);

        this.tilemapBounds.addFramePad(x, y, x + tileWidth, y + tileHeight, 0, 0);

        return this;

    /** Changes the rotation of the last tile. */
    tileRotate(rotate: number): void
        const pb = this.pointsBuf;

        pb[pb.length - (POINT_STRUCT_SIZE - POINT_STRUCT.TEXTURE_INDEX)] = rotate;

    /** Changes the `animX`, `animCountX` of the last tile. */
    tileAnimX(offset: number, count: number): void
        const pb = this.pointsBuf;

        pb[pb.length - (POINT_STRUCT_SIZE - POINT_STRUCT.ANIM_X)] = offset;
        pb[pb.length - (POINT_STRUCT_SIZE - POINT_STRUCT.ANIM_COUNT_X)] = count;
        // pb[pb.length - (POINT_STRUCT_SIZE - POINT_STRUCT.ANIM_DIVISOR)] = duration;

    /** Changes the `animY`, `animCountY` of the last tile. */
    tileAnimY(offset: number, count: number): void
        const pb = this.pointsBuf;

        pb[pb.length - (POINT_STRUCT_SIZE - POINT_STRUCT.ANIM_Y)] = offset;
        pb[pb.length - (POINT_STRUCT_SIZE - POINT_STRUCT.ANIM_COUNT_Y)] = count;

    /** Changes the `animDivisor` value of the last tile. */
    tileAnimDivisor(divisor: number): void
        const pb = this.pointsBuf;

        pb[pb.length - (POINT_STRUCT_SIZE - POINT_STRUCT.ANIM_DIVISOR)] = divisor;

    tileAlpha(alpha: number): void
        const pb = this.pointsBuf;

        pb[pb.length - (POINT_STRUCT_SIZE - POINT_STRUCT.ALPHA)] = alpha;

    renderCanvas = (renderer: any): void =>
        const plugin = CanvasTileRenderer.getInstance(renderer);

        if (plugin && !plugin.dontUseTransform)
            const wt = this.worldTransform;

                wt.tx * renderer.resolution,
                wt.ty * renderer.resolution


    renderCanvasCore(renderer: any): void
        if (this.tileset.length === 0) return;
        const points = this.pointsBuf;
        const tileAnim = this.tileAnim || (renderer.plugins.tilemap && renderer.plugins.tilemap.tileAnim);

        renderer.context.fillStyle = '#000000';
        for (let i = 0, n = points.length; i < n; i += POINT_STRUCT_SIZE)
            let x1 = points[i + POINT_STRUCT.U];
            let y1 = points[i + POINT_STRUCT.V];
            const x2 = points[i + POINT_STRUCT.X];
            const y2 = points[i + POINT_STRUCT.Y];
            const w = points[i + POINT_STRUCT.TILE_WIDTH];
            const h = points[i + POINT_STRUCT.TILE_HEIGHT];

            x1 += points[i + POINT_STRUCT.ANIM_X] * tileAnim[0];
            y1 += points[i + POINT_STRUCT.ANIM_Y] * tileAnim[1];

            const textureIndex = points[i + POINT_STRUCT.TEXTURE_INDEX];
            const alpha = points[i + POINT_STRUCT.ALPHA];

            // canvas does not work with rotate yet

            if (textureIndex >= 0 && this.tileset[textureIndex])
                renderer.context.globalAlpha = alpha;
                    (this.tileset[textureIndex] as any).getDrawableSource(),
                    x1, y1, w, h, x2, y2, w, h
                renderer.context.globalAlpha = 0.5;
                renderer.context.fillRect(x2, y2, w, h);
            renderer.context.globalAlpha = 1;

    private vbId = 0;
    private vb: TilemapGeometry = null;
    private vbBuffer: ArrayBuffer = null;
    private vbArray: Float32Array = null;
    private vbInts: Uint32Array = null;

    private destroyVb(): void
        if (this.vb)
            this.vb = null;

    render(renderer: Renderer): void
        const plugin = (renderer.plugins as any).tilemap;
        const shader = plugin.getShader();

        this._globalMat = shader.uniforms.projTransMatrix;

        shader.uniforms.shadowColor = this.shadowColor;
        shader.uniforms.animationFrame = this.tileAnim || plugin.tileAnim;

        this.renderWebGLCore(renderer, plugin);

    renderWebGLCore(renderer: Renderer, plugin: TileRenderer): void
        const points = this.pointsBuf;

        if (points.length === 0) return;
        const rectsCount = points.length / POINT_STRUCT_SIZE;

        const shader = plugin.getShader();
        const textures = this.tileset;

        if (textures.length === 0) return;

        plugin.bindTileTextures(renderer, textures);
        renderer.shader.bind(shader, false);

        // lost context! recover!
        let vb = this.vb;

        if (!vb)
            vb = plugin.createVb();
            this.vb = vb;
            this.vbId = (vb as any).id;
            this.vbBuffer = null;
            this.modificationMarker = 0;

        plugin.checkIndexBuffer(rectsCount, vb);
        const boundCountPerBuffer = settings.TEXTILE_UNITS;

        const vertexBuf = vb.getBuffer('aVertexPosition');
        // if layer was changed, re-upload vertices
        const vertices = rectsCount * vb.vertPerQuad;

        if (vertices === 0) return;
        if (this.modificationMarker !== vertices)
            this.modificationMarker = vertices;
            const vs = vb.stride * vertices;

            if (!this.vbBuffer || this.vbBuffer.byteLength < vs)
                // !@#$ happens, need resize
                let bk = vb.stride;

                while (bk < vs)
                    bk *= 2;
                this.vbBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(bk);
                this.vbArray = new Float32Array(this.vbBuffer);
                this.vbInts = new Uint32Array(this.vbBuffer);

            const arr = this.vbArray;
            // const ints = this.vbInts;
            // upload vertices!
            let sz = 0;
            // let tint = 0xffffffff;
            let textureId = 0;
            let shiftU: number = this.offsetX;
            let shiftV: number = this.offsetY;

            // let tint = 0xffffffff;
            // const tint = -1;

            for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i += POINT_STRUCT_SIZE)
                const eps = 0.5;

                if (this.compositeParent)
                    const textureIndex = points[i + POINT_STRUCT.TEXTURE_INDEX];

                    if (boundCountPerBuffer > 1)
                        // TODO: what if its more than 4?
                        textureId = (textureIndex >> 2);
                        shiftU = this.offsetX * (textureIndex & 1);
                        shiftV = this.offsetY * ((textureIndex >> 1) & 1);
                        textureId = textureIndex;
                        shiftU = 0;
                        shiftV = 0;
                const x = points[i + POINT_STRUCT.X];
                const y = points[i + POINT_STRUCT.Y];
                const w = points[i + POINT_STRUCT.TILE_WIDTH];
                const h = points[i + POINT_STRUCT.TILE_HEIGHT];
                const u = points[i + POINT_STRUCT.U] + shiftU;
                const v = points[i + POINT_STRUCT.V] + shiftV;
                let rotate = points[i + POINT_STRUCT.ROTATE];

                const animX = points[i + POINT_STRUCT.ANIM_X];
                const animY = points[i + POINT_STRUCT.ANIM_Y];
                const animWidth = points[i + POINT_STRUCT.ANIM_COUNT_X] || 1024;
                const animHeight = points[i + POINT_STRUCT.ANIM_COUNT_Y] || 1024;

                const animXEncoded = animX + (animWidth * 2048);
                const animYEncoded = animY + (animHeight * 2048);
                const animDivisor = points[i + POINT_STRUCT.ANIM_DIVISOR];
                const alpha = points[i + POINT_STRUCT.ALPHA];

                let u0: number;
                let v0: number; let u1: number;
                let v1: number; let u2: number;
                let v2: number; let u3: number;
                let v3: number;

                if (rotate === 0)
                    u0 = u;
                    v0 = v;
                    u1 = u + w;
                    v1 = v;
                    u2 = u + w;
                    v2 = v + h;
                    u3 = u;
                    v3 = v + h;
                    let w2 = w / 2;
                    let h2 = h / 2;

                    if (rotate % 4 !== 0)
                        w2 = h / 2;
                        h2 = w / 2;
                    const cX = u + w2;
                    const cY = v + h2;

                    rotate = groupD8.add(rotate, groupD8.NW);
                    u0 = cX + (w2 * groupD8.uX(rotate));
                    v0 = cY + (h2 * groupD8.uY(rotate));

                    rotate = groupD8.add(rotate, 2); // rotate 90 degrees clockwise
                    u1 = cX + (w2 * groupD8.uX(rotate));
                    v1 = cY + (h2 * groupD8.uY(rotate));

                    rotate = groupD8.add(rotate, 2);
                    u2 = cX + (w2 * groupD8.uX(rotate));
                    v2 = cY + (h2 * groupD8.uY(rotate));

                    rotate = groupD8.add(rotate, 2);
                    u3 = cX + (w2 * groupD8.uX(rotate));
                    v3 = cY + (h2 * groupD8.uY(rotate));

                arr[sz++] = x;
                arr[sz++] = y;
                arr[sz++] = u0;
                arr[sz++] = v0;
                arr[sz++] = u + eps;
                arr[sz++] = v + eps;
                arr[sz++] = u + w - eps;
                arr[sz++] = v + h - eps;
                arr[sz++] = animXEncoded;
                arr[sz++] = animYEncoded;
                arr[sz++] = textureId;
                arr[sz++] = animDivisor;
                arr[sz++] = alpha;

                arr[sz++] = x + w;
                arr[sz++] = y;
                arr[sz++] = u1;
                arr[sz++] = v1;
                arr[sz++] = u + eps;
                arr[sz++] = v + eps;
                arr[sz++] = u + w - eps;
                arr[sz++] = v + h - eps;
                arr[sz++] = animXEncoded;
                arr[sz++] = animYEncoded;
                arr[sz++] = textureId;
                arr[sz++] = animDivisor;
                arr[sz++] = alpha;

                arr[sz++] = x + w;
                arr[sz++] = y + h;
                arr[sz++] = u2;
                arr[sz++] = v2;
                arr[sz++] = u + eps;
                arr[sz++] = v + eps;
                arr[sz++] = u + w - eps;
                arr[sz++] = v + h - eps;
                arr[sz++] = animXEncoded;
                arr[sz++] = animYEncoded;
                arr[sz++] = textureId;
                arr[sz++] = animDivisor;
                arr[sz++] = alpha;

                arr[sz++] = x;
                arr[sz++] = y + h;
                arr[sz++] = u3;
                arr[sz++] = v3;
                arr[sz++] = u + eps;
                arr[sz++] = v + eps;
                arr[sz++] = u + w - eps;
                arr[sz++] = v + h - eps;
                arr[sz++] = animXEncoded;
                arr[sz++] = animYEncoded;
                arr[sz++] = textureId;
                arr[sz++] = animDivisor;
                arr[sz++] = alpha;


        (renderer.geometry as any).bind(vb, shader);
        renderer.geometry.draw(DRAW_MODES.TRIANGLES, rectsCount * 6, 0);

     * @internal
     * @ignore
    isModified(anim: boolean): boolean
        if (this.modificationMarker !== this.pointsBuf.length
            || (anim && this.hasAnimatedTile))
            return true;

        return false;

     * This will pull forward the modification marker.
     * @internal
     * @ignore
    clearModify(): void
        this.modificationMarker = this.pointsBuf.length;

    /** @override */
    protected _calculateBounds(): void
        const { minX, minY, maxX, maxY } = this.tilemapBounds;

        this._bounds.addFrame(this.transform, minX, minY, maxX, maxY);

    /** @override */
    public getLocalBounds(rect?: Rectangle): Rectangle
        // we can do a fast local bounds if the sprite has no children!
        if (this.children.length === 0)
            return this.tilemapBounds.getRectangle(rect);

        return, rect);

    /** @override */
    destroy(options?: IDestroyOptions): void

     * Deprecated signature for {@link Tilemap.tile tile}.
     * @deprecated Since @pixi/tilemap 3.
    addFrame(texture: Texture | string | number, x: number, y: number, animX: number, animY: number): boolean

        return true;

     * Deprecated signature for {@link Tilemap.tile tile}.
     * @deprecated Since @pixi/tilemap 3.
    // eslint-disable-next-line max-params
        textureIndex: number,
        u: number,
        v: number,
        x: number,
        y: number,
        tileWidth: number,
        tileHeight: number,
        animX = 0,
        animY = 0,
        rotate = 0,
        animCountX = 1024,
        animCountY = 1024,
        animDivisor = 1,
        alpha = 1,
    ): this
        return this.tile(
            x, y,
                u, v, tileWidth, tileHeight, animX, animY, rotate, animCountX, animCountY, animDivisor, alpha
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