// disabling eslint for now, going to rewrite this in v5
/* eslint-disable */

import { TEXT_GRADIENT } from './const';
import { hex2string } from '@pixi/utils';

export type TextStyleAlign = 'left'|'center'|'right'|'justify';
export type TextStyleFill = string|string[]|number|number[]|CanvasGradient|CanvasPattern;
export type TextStyleFontStyle = 'normal'|'italic'|'oblique';
export type TextStyleFontVariant = 'normal'|'small-caps';
export type TextStyleFontWeight = 'normal'|'bold'|'bolder'|'lighter'|'100'|'200'|'300'|'400'|'500'|'600'|'700'|'800'|'900';
export type TextStyleLineJoin = 'miter'|'round'|'bevel';
export type TextStyleTextBaseline = 'alphabetic'|'top'|'hanging'|'middle'|'ideographic'|'bottom';
export type TextStyleWhiteSpace = 'normal'|'pre'|'pre-line';

export interface ITextStyle {
    align: TextStyleAlign;
    breakWords: boolean;
    dropShadow: boolean;
    dropShadowAlpha: number;
    dropShadowAngle: number;
    dropShadowBlur: number;
    dropShadowColor: string|number;
    dropShadowDistance: number;
    fill: TextStyleFill;
    fillGradientType: TEXT_GRADIENT;
    fillGradientStops: number[];
    fontFamily: string | string[];
    fontSize: number | string;
    fontStyle: TextStyleFontStyle;
    fontVariant: TextStyleFontVariant;
    fontWeight: TextStyleFontWeight;
    letterSpacing: number;
    lineHeight: number;
    lineJoin: TextStyleLineJoin;
    miterLimit: number;
    padding: number;
    stroke: string|number;
    strokeThickness: number;
    textBaseline: TextStyleTextBaseline;
    trim: boolean;
    whiteSpace: TextStyleWhiteSpace;
    wordWrap: boolean;
    wordWrapWidth: number;
    leading: number;

const defaultStyle: ITextStyle = {
    align: 'left',
    breakWords: false,
    dropShadow: false,
    dropShadowAlpha: 1,
    dropShadowAngle: Math.PI / 6,
    dropShadowBlur: 0,
    dropShadowColor: 'black',
    dropShadowDistance: 5,
    fill: 'black',
    fillGradientStops: [],
    fontFamily: 'Arial',
    fontSize: 26,
    fontStyle: 'normal',
    fontVariant: 'normal',
    fontWeight: 'normal',
    letterSpacing: 0,
    lineHeight: 0,
    lineJoin: 'miter',
    miterLimit: 10,
    padding: 0,
    stroke: 'black',
    strokeThickness: 0,
    textBaseline: 'alphabetic',
    trim: false,
    whiteSpace: 'pre',
    wordWrap: false,
    wordWrapWidth: 100,
    leading: 0,

const genericFontFamilies = [

 * A TextStyle Object contains information to decorate a Text objects.
 * An instance can be shared between multiple Text objects; then changing the style will update all text objects using it.
 * A tool can be used to generate a text style [here](https://pixijs.io/pixi-text-style).
 * @memberof PIXI
export class TextStyle implements ITextStyle
    public styleID: number;

    protected _align: TextStyleAlign;
    protected _breakWords: boolean;
    protected _dropShadow: boolean;
    protected _dropShadowAlpha: number;
    protected _dropShadowAngle: number;
    protected _dropShadowBlur: number;
    protected _dropShadowColor: string|number;
    protected _dropShadowDistance: number;
    protected _fill: TextStyleFill;
    protected _fillGradientType: TEXT_GRADIENT;
    protected _fillGradientStops: number[];
    protected _fontFamily: string|string[];
    protected _fontSize: number|string;
    protected _fontStyle: TextStyleFontStyle;
    protected _fontVariant: TextStyleFontVariant;
    protected _fontWeight: TextStyleFontWeight;
    protected _letterSpacing: number;
    protected _lineHeight: number;
    protected _lineJoin: TextStyleLineJoin;
    protected _miterLimit: number;
    protected _padding: number;
    protected _stroke: string|number;
    protected _strokeThickness: number;
    protected _textBaseline: TextStyleTextBaseline;
    protected _trim: boolean;
    protected _whiteSpace: TextStyleWhiteSpace;
    protected _wordWrap: boolean;
    protected _wordWrapWidth: number;
    protected _leading: number;

     * @param {object} [style] - The style parameters
     * @param {string} [style.align='left'] - Alignment for multiline text ('left', 'center' or 'right'),
     *  does not affect single line text
     * @param {boolean} [style.breakWords=false] - Indicates if lines can be wrapped within words, it
     *  needs wordWrap to be set to true
     * @param {boolean} [style.dropShadow=false] - Set a drop shadow for the text
     * @param {number} [style.dropShadowAlpha=1] - Set alpha for the drop shadow
     * @param {number} [style.dropShadowAngle=Math.PI/6] - Set a angle of the drop shadow
     * @param {number} [style.dropShadowBlur=0] - Set a shadow blur radius
     * @param {string|number} [style.dropShadowColor='black'] - A fill style to be used on the dropshadow e.g 'red', '#00FF00'
     * @param {number} [style.dropShadowDistance=5] - Set a distance of the drop shadow
     * @param {string|string[]|number|number[]|CanvasGradient|CanvasPattern} [style.fill='black'] - A canvas
     *  fillstyle that will be used on the text e.g 'red', '#00FF00'. Can be an array to create a gradient
     *  eg ['#000000','#FFFFFF']
     * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/fillStyle|MDN}
     * @param {number} [style.fillGradientType=PIXI.TEXT_GRADIENT.LINEAR_VERTICAL] - If fill is an array of colours
     *  to create a gradient, this can change the type/direction of the gradient. See {@link PIXI.TEXT_GRADIENT}
     * @param {number[]} [style.fillGradientStops] - If fill is an array of colours to create a gradient, this array can set
     * the stop points (numbers between 0 and 1) for the color, overriding the default behaviour of evenly spacing them.
     * @param {string|string[]} [style.fontFamily='Arial'] - The font family
     * @param {number|string} [style.fontSize=26] - The font size (as a number it converts to px, but as a string,
     *  equivalents are '26px','20pt','160%' or '1.6em')
     * @param {string} [style.fontStyle='normal'] - The font style ('normal', 'italic' or 'oblique')
     * @param {string} [style.fontVariant='normal'] - The font variant ('normal' or 'small-caps')
     * @param {string} [style.fontWeight='normal'] - The font weight ('normal', 'bold', 'bolder', 'lighter' and '100',
     *  '200', '300', '400', '500', '600', '700', '800' or '900')
     * @param {number} [style.leading=0] - The space between lines
     * @param {number} [style.letterSpacing=0] - The amount of spacing between letters, default is 0
     * @param {number} [style.lineHeight] - The line height, a number that represents the vertical space that a letter uses
     * @param {string} [style.lineJoin='miter'] - The lineJoin property sets the type of corner created, it can resolve
     *      spiked text issues. Possible values "miter" (creates a sharp corner), "round" (creates a round corner) or "bevel"
     *      (creates a squared corner).
     * @param {number} [style.miterLimit=10] - The miter limit to use when using the 'miter' lineJoin mode. This can reduce
     *      or increase the spikiness of rendered text.
     * @param {number} [style.padding=0] - Occasionally some fonts are cropped. Adding some padding will prevent this from
     *     happening by adding padding to all sides of the text.
     * @param {string|number} [style.stroke='black'] - A canvas fillstyle that will be used on the text stroke
     *  e.g 'blue', '#FCFF00'
     * @param {number} [style.strokeThickness=0] - A number that represents the thickness of the stroke.
     *  Default is 0 (no stroke)
     * @param {boolean} [style.trim=false] - Trim transparent borders
     * @param {string} [style.textBaseline='alphabetic'] - The baseline of the text that is rendered.
     * @param {string} [style.whiteSpace='pre'] - Determines whether newlines & spaces are collapsed or preserved "normal"
     *      (collapse, collapse), "pre" (preserve, preserve) | "pre-line" (preserve, collapse). It needs wordWrap to be set to true
     * @param {boolean} [style.wordWrap=false] - Indicates if word wrap should be used
     * @param {number} [style.wordWrapWidth=100] - The width at which text will wrap, it needs wordWrap to be set to true
    constructor(style?: Partial<ITextStyle>)
        this.styleID = 0;


        deepCopyProperties(this, style, style);

     * Creates a new TextStyle object with the same values as this one.
     * Note that the only the properties of the object are cloned.
     * @return New cloned TextStyle object
    public clone(): TextStyle
        const clonedProperties: Partial<ITextStyle> = {};

        deepCopyProperties(clonedProperties, this, defaultStyle);

        return new TextStyle(clonedProperties);

    /** Resets all properties to the defaults specified in TextStyle.prototype._default */
    public reset(): void
        deepCopyProperties(this, defaultStyle, defaultStyle);

     * Alignment for multiline text ('left', 'center' or 'right'), does not affect single line text
     * @member {string}
    get align(): TextStyleAlign
        return this._align;
    set align(align: TextStyleAlign)
        if (this._align !== align)
            this._align = align;

    /** Indicates if lines can be wrapped within words, it needs wordWrap to be set to true. */
    get breakWords(): boolean
        return this._breakWords;
    set breakWords(breakWords: boolean)
        if (this._breakWords !== breakWords)
            this._breakWords = breakWords;

    /** Set a drop shadow for the text. */
    get dropShadow(): boolean
        return this._dropShadow;
    set dropShadow(dropShadow: boolean)
        if (this._dropShadow !== dropShadow)
            this._dropShadow = dropShadow;

    /** Set alpha for the drop shadow. */
    get dropShadowAlpha(): number
        return this._dropShadowAlpha;
    set dropShadowAlpha(dropShadowAlpha: number)
        if (this._dropShadowAlpha !== dropShadowAlpha)
            this._dropShadowAlpha = dropShadowAlpha;

    /** Set a angle of the drop shadow. */
    get dropShadowAngle(): number
        return this._dropShadowAngle;
    set dropShadowAngle(dropShadowAngle: number)
        if (this._dropShadowAngle !== dropShadowAngle)
            this._dropShadowAngle = dropShadowAngle;

    /** Set a shadow blur radius. */
    get dropShadowBlur(): number
        return this._dropShadowBlur;
    set dropShadowBlur(dropShadowBlur: number)
        if (this._dropShadowBlur !== dropShadowBlur)
            this._dropShadowBlur = dropShadowBlur;

    /** A fill style to be used on the dropshadow e.g 'red', '#00FF00'. */
    get dropShadowColor(): number | string
        return this._dropShadowColor;
    set dropShadowColor(dropShadowColor: number | string)
        const outputColor = getColor(dropShadowColor);
        if (this._dropShadowColor !== outputColor)
            this._dropShadowColor = outputColor;

    /** Set a distance of the drop shadow. */
    get dropShadowDistance(): number
        return this._dropShadowDistance;
    set dropShadowDistance(dropShadowDistance: number)
        if (this._dropShadowDistance !== dropShadowDistance)
            this._dropShadowDistance = dropShadowDistance;

     * A canvas fillstyle that will be used on the text e.g 'red', '#00FF00'.
     * Can be an array to create a gradient eg ['#000000','#FFFFFF']
     * {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/fillStyle|MDN}
     * @member {string|string[]|number|number[]|CanvasGradient|CanvasPattern}
    get fill(): TextStyleFill
        return this._fill;
    set fill(fill: TextStyleFill)
        // TODO: Can't have different types for getter and setter. The getter shouldn't have the number type as
        //       the setter converts to string. See this thread for more details:
        //       https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/2521
        // TODO: Not sure if getColor works properly with CanvasGradient and/or CanvasPattern, can't pass in
        //       without casting here.
        const outputColor = getColor(fill as any);
        if (this._fill !== outputColor)
            this._fill = outputColor;

     * If fill is an array of colours to create a gradient, this can change the type/direction of the gradient.
    get fillGradientType(): TEXT_GRADIENT
        return this._fillGradientType;
    set fillGradientType(fillGradientType: TEXT_GRADIENT)
        if (this._fillGradientType !== fillGradientType)
            this._fillGradientType = fillGradientType;

     * If fill is an array of colours to create a gradient, this array can set the stop points
     * (numbers between 0 and 1) for the color, overriding the default behaviour of evenly spacing them.
    get fillGradientStops(): number[]
        return this._fillGradientStops;
    set fillGradientStops(fillGradientStops: number[])
        if (!areArraysEqual(this._fillGradientStops,fillGradientStops))
            this._fillGradientStops = fillGradientStops;

    /** The font family. */
    get fontFamily(): string | string[]
        return this._fontFamily;
    set fontFamily(fontFamily: string | string[])
        if (this.fontFamily !== fontFamily)
            this._fontFamily = fontFamily;

     * The font size
     * (as a number it converts to px, but as a string, equivalents are '26px','20pt','160%' or '1.6em')
    get fontSize(): number | string
        return this._fontSize;
    set fontSize(fontSize: number | string)
        if (this._fontSize !== fontSize)
            this._fontSize = fontSize;

     * The font style
     * ('normal', 'italic' or 'oblique')
     * @member {string}
    get fontStyle(): TextStyleFontStyle
        return this._fontStyle;
    set fontStyle(fontStyle: TextStyleFontStyle)
        if (this._fontStyle !== fontStyle)
            this._fontStyle = fontStyle;

     * The font variant
     * ('normal' or 'small-caps')
     * @member {string}
    get fontVariant(): TextStyleFontVariant
        return this._fontVariant;
    set fontVariant(fontVariant: TextStyleFontVariant)
        if (this._fontVariant !== fontVariant)
            this._fontVariant = fontVariant;

     * The font weight
     * ('normal', 'bold', 'bolder', 'lighter' and '100', '200', '300', '400', '500', '600', '700', 800' or '900')
     * @member {string}
    get fontWeight(): TextStyleFontWeight
        return this._fontWeight;
    set fontWeight(fontWeight: TextStyleFontWeight)
        if (this._fontWeight !== fontWeight)
            this._fontWeight = fontWeight;

    /** The amount of spacing between letters, default is 0. */
    get letterSpacing(): number
        return this._letterSpacing;
    set letterSpacing(letterSpacing: number)
        if (this._letterSpacing !== letterSpacing)
            this._letterSpacing = letterSpacing;

    /** The line height, a number that represents the vertical space that a letter uses. */
    get lineHeight(): number
        return this._lineHeight;
    set lineHeight(lineHeight: number)
        if (this._lineHeight !== lineHeight)
            this._lineHeight = lineHeight;

    /** The space between lines. */
    get leading(): number
        return this._leading;
    set leading(leading: number)
        if (this._leading !== leading)
            this._leading = leading;

     * The lineJoin property sets the type of corner created, it can resolve spiked text issues.
     * Default is 'miter' (creates a sharp corner).
     * @member {string}
    get lineJoin(): TextStyleLineJoin
        return this._lineJoin;
    set lineJoin(lineJoin: TextStyleLineJoin)
        if (this._lineJoin !== lineJoin)
            this._lineJoin = lineJoin;

     * The miter limit to use when using the 'miter' lineJoin mode.
     * This can reduce or increase the spikiness of rendered text.
    get miterLimit(): number
        return this._miterLimit;
    set miterLimit(miterLimit: number)
        if (this._miterLimit !== miterLimit)
            this._miterLimit = miterLimit;

     * Occasionally some fonts are cropped. Adding some padding will prevent this from happening
     * by adding padding to all sides of the text.
    get padding(): number
        return this._padding;
    set padding(padding: number)
        if (this._padding !== padding)
            this._padding = padding;

     * A canvas fillstyle that will be used on the text stroke
     * e.g 'blue', '#FCFF00'
    get stroke(): string | number
        return this._stroke;
    set stroke(stroke: string | number)
        // TODO: Can't have different types for getter and setter. The getter shouldn't have the number type as
        //       the setter converts to string. See this thread for more details:
        //       https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/2521
        const outputColor = getColor(stroke);
        if (this._stroke !== outputColor)
            this._stroke = outputColor;

     * A number that represents the thickness of the stroke.
     * @default 0
    get strokeThickness(): number
        return this._strokeThickness;
    set strokeThickness(strokeThickness: number)
        if (this._strokeThickness !== strokeThickness)
            this._strokeThickness = strokeThickness;

     * The baseline of the text that is rendered.
     * @member {string}
    get textBaseline(): TextStyleTextBaseline
        return this._textBaseline;
    set textBaseline(textBaseline: TextStyleTextBaseline)
        if (this._textBaseline !== textBaseline)
            this._textBaseline = textBaseline;

    /** Trim transparent borders. */
    get trim(): boolean
        return this._trim;
    set trim(trim: boolean)
        if (this._trim !== trim)
            this._trim = trim;

     * How newlines and spaces should be handled.
     * Default is 'pre' (preserve, preserve).
     *  value       | New lines     |   Spaces
     *  ---         | ---           |   ---
     * 'normal'     | Collapse      |   Collapse
     * 'pre'        | Preserve      |   Preserve
     * 'pre-line'   | Preserve      |   Collapse
     * @member {string}
    get whiteSpace(): TextStyleWhiteSpace
        return this._whiteSpace;
    set whiteSpace(whiteSpace: TextStyleWhiteSpace)
        if (this._whiteSpace !== whiteSpace)
            this._whiteSpace = whiteSpace;

    /** Indicates if word wrap should be used. */
    get wordWrap(): boolean
        return this._wordWrap;
    set wordWrap(wordWrap: boolean)
        if (this._wordWrap !== wordWrap)
            this._wordWrap = wordWrap;

    /** The width at which text will wrap, it needs wordWrap to be set to true. */
    get wordWrapWidth(): number
        return this._wordWrapWidth;
    set wordWrapWidth(wordWrapWidth: number)
        if (this._wordWrapWidth !== wordWrapWidth)
            this._wordWrapWidth = wordWrapWidth;

     * Generates a font style string to use for `TextMetrics.measureFont()`.
     * @return Font style string, for passing to `TextMetrics.measureFont()`
    public toFontString(): string
        // build canvas api font setting from individual components. Convert a numeric this.fontSize to px
        const fontSizeString = (typeof this.fontSize === 'number') ? `${this.fontSize}px` : this.fontSize;

        // Clean-up fontFamily property by quoting each font name
        // this will support font names with spaces
        let fontFamilies: string|string[] = this.fontFamily;

        if (!Array.isArray(this.fontFamily))
            fontFamilies = this.fontFamily.split(',');

        for (let i = fontFamilies.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            // Trim any extra white-space
            let fontFamily = fontFamilies[i].trim();

            // Check if font already contains strings
            if (!(/([\"\'])[^\'\"]+\1/).test(fontFamily) && genericFontFamilies.indexOf(fontFamily) < 0)
                fontFamily = `"${fontFamily}"`;
            (fontFamilies as string[])[i] = fontFamily;

        return `${this.fontStyle} ${this.fontVariant} ${this.fontWeight} ${fontSizeString} ${(fontFamilies as string[]).join(',')}`;

 * Utility function to convert hexadecimal colors to strings, and simply return the color if it's a string.
 * @private
 * @param color
 * @return The color as a string.
function getSingleColor(color: string|number): string
    if (typeof color === 'number')
        return hex2string(color);
    else if (typeof color === 'string')
        if ( color.indexOf('0x') === 0 )
            color = color.replace('0x', '#');

    return color;

 * Utility function to convert hexadecimal colors to strings, and simply return the color if it's a string.
 * This version can also convert array of colors
 * @private
 * @param color
 * @return The color as a string.
function getColor(color: (string|number)[]): string[];
function getColor(color: string|number): string;
function getColor(color: string|number|(string|number)[]): string|string[]
    if (!Array.isArray(color))
        return getSingleColor(color);
        for (let i = 0; i < color.length; ++i)
            color[i] = getSingleColor(color[i]);

        return color as string[];

 * Utility function to convert hexadecimal colors to strings, and simply return the color if it's a string.
 * This version can also convert array of colors
 * @private
 * @param array1 - First array to compare
 * @param array2 - Second array to compare
 * @return Do the arrays contain the same values in the same order
function areArraysEqual<T>(array1: T[], array2: T[]): boolean
    if (!Array.isArray(array1) || !Array.isArray(array2))
        return false;

    if (array1.length !== array2.length)
        return false;

    for (let i = 0; i < array1.length; ++i)
        if (array1[i] !== array2[i])
            return false;

    return true;

 * Utility function to ensure that object properties are copied by value, and not by reference
 * @private
 * @param target - Target object to copy properties into
 * @param source - Source object for the properties to copy
 * @param propertyObj - Object containing properties names we want to loop over
function deepCopyProperties(target: Record<string, any>, source: Record<string, any>, propertyObj: Record<string, any>): void {
    for (const prop in propertyObj) {
        if (Array.isArray(source[prop])) {
            target[prop] = source[prop].slice();
        } else {
            target[prop] = source[prop];
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