import { Texture } from '@pixi/core';
import { Sprite } from '@pixi/sprite';
import { Ticker, UPDATE_PRIORITY } from '@pixi/ticker';
import type { IDestroyOptions } from '@pixi/display';

 * An AnimatedSprite is a simple way to display an animation depicted by a list of textures.
 * ```js
 * let alienImages = ["image_sequence_01.png","image_sequence_02.png","image_sequence_03.png","image_sequence_04.png"];
 * let textureArray = [];
 * for (let i=0; i < 4; i++)
 * {
 *      let texture = PIXI.Texture.from(alienImages[i]);
 *      textureArray.push(texture);
 * };
 * let animatedSprite = new PIXI.AnimatedSprite(textureArray);
 * ```
 * The more efficient and simpler way to create an animated sprite is using a {@link PIXI.Spritesheet}
 * containing the animation definitions:
 * ```js
 * PIXI.Loader.shared.add("assets/spritesheet.json").load(setup);
 * function setup() {
 *   let sheet = PIXI.Loader.shared.resources["assets/spritesheet.json"].spritesheet;
 *   animatedSprite = new PIXI.AnimatedSprite(sheet.animations["image_sequence"]);
 *   ...
 * }
 * ```
 * @memberof PIXI
export class AnimatedSprite extends Sprite
     * The speed that the AnimatedSprite will play at. Higher is faster, lower is slower.
     * @default 1
    public animationSpeed: number;

     * Whether or not the animate sprite repeats after playing.
     * @default true
    public loop: boolean;

     * Update anchor to [Texture's defaultAnchor]{@link PIXI.Texture#defaultAnchor} when frame changes.
     * Useful with [sprite sheet animations]{@link PIXI.Spritesheet#animations} created with tools.
     * Changing anchor for each frame allows to pin sprite origin to certain moving feature
     * of the frame (e.g. left foot).
     * Note: Enabling this will override any previously set `anchor` on each frame change.
     * @default false
    public updateAnchor: boolean;

     * User-assigned function to call when an AnimatedSprite finishes playing.
     * @example
     * animation.onComplete = function () {
     *   // finished!
     * };
    public onComplete?: () => void;

     * User-assigned function to call when an AnimatedSprite changes which texture is being rendered.
     * @example
     * animation.onFrameChange = function () {
     *   // updated!
     * };
    public onFrameChange?: (currentFrame: number) => void;

     * User-assigned function to call when `loop` is true, and an AnimatedSprite is played and
     * loops around to start again.
     * @example
     * animation.onLoop = function () {
     *   // looped!
     * };
    public onLoop?: () => void;

    private _playing: boolean;
    private _textures: Texture[];
    private _durations: number[];

     * `true` uses PIXI.Ticker.shared to auto update animation time.
     * @default true
    private _autoUpdate: boolean;

     * `true` if the instance is currently connected to PIXI.Ticker.shared to auto update animation time.
     * @default false
    private _isConnectedToTicker: boolean;

    /** Elapsed time since animation has been started, used internally to display current texture. */
    private _currentTime: number;

    /** The texture index that was displayed last time. */
    private _previousFrame: number;

     * @param textures - An array of {@link PIXI.Texture} or frame
     *  objects that make up the animation.
     * @param {boolean} [autoUpdate=true] - Whether to use PIXI.Ticker.shared to auto update animation time.
    constructor(textures: Texture[] | FrameObject[], autoUpdate = true)
        super(textures[0] instanceof Texture ? textures[0] : textures[0].texture);

        this._textures = null;
        this._durations = null;
        this._autoUpdate = autoUpdate;
        this._isConnectedToTicker = false;

        this.animationSpeed = 1;
        this.loop = true;
        this.updateAnchor = false;
        this.onComplete = null;
        this.onFrameChange = null;
        this.onLoop = null;

        this._currentTime = 0;

        this._playing = false;
        this._previousFrame = null;

        this.textures = textures;

    /** Stops the AnimatedSprite. */
    public stop(): void
        if (!this._playing)

        this._playing = false;
        if (this._autoUpdate && this._isConnectedToTicker)
            Ticker.shared.remove(this.update, this);
            this._isConnectedToTicker = false;

    /** Plays the AnimatedSprite. */
    public play(): void
        if (this._playing)

        this._playing = true;
        if (this._autoUpdate && !this._isConnectedToTicker)
            Ticker.shared.add(this.update, this, UPDATE_PRIORITY.HIGH);
            this._isConnectedToTicker = true;

     * Stops the AnimatedSprite and goes to a specific frame.
     * @param frameNumber - Frame index to stop at.
    public gotoAndStop(frameNumber: number): void

        const previousFrame = this.currentFrame;

        this._currentTime = frameNumber;

        if (previousFrame !== this.currentFrame)

     * Goes to a specific frame and begins playing the AnimatedSprite.
     * @param frameNumber - Frame index to start at.
    public gotoAndPlay(frameNumber: number): void
        const previousFrame = this.currentFrame;

        this._currentTime = frameNumber;

        if (previousFrame !== this.currentFrame)

     * Updates the object transform for rendering.
     * @param deltaTime - Time since last tick.
    update(deltaTime: number): void
        if (!this._playing)

        const elapsed = this.animationSpeed * deltaTime;
        const previousFrame = this.currentFrame;

        if (this._durations !== null)
            let lag = this._currentTime % 1 * this._durations[this.currentFrame];

            lag += elapsed / 60 * 1000;

            while (lag < 0)
                lag += this._durations[this.currentFrame];

            const sign = Math.sign(this.animationSpeed * deltaTime);

            this._currentTime = Math.floor(this._currentTime);

            while (lag >= this._durations[this.currentFrame])
                lag -= this._durations[this.currentFrame] * sign;
                this._currentTime += sign;

            this._currentTime += lag / this._durations[this.currentFrame];
            this._currentTime += elapsed;

        if (this._currentTime < 0 && !this.loop)

            if (this.onComplete)
        else if (this._currentTime >= this._textures.length && !this.loop)
            this.gotoAndStop(this._textures.length - 1);

            if (this.onComplete)
        else if (previousFrame !== this.currentFrame)
            if (this.loop && this.onLoop)
                if (this.animationSpeed > 0 && this.currentFrame < previousFrame)
                else if (this.animationSpeed < 0 && this.currentFrame > previousFrame)


    /** Updates the displayed texture to match the current frame index. */
    private updateTexture(): void
        const currentFrame = this.currentFrame;

        if (this._previousFrame === currentFrame)

        this._previousFrame = currentFrame;

        this._texture = this._textures[currentFrame];
        this._textureID = -1;
        this._textureTrimmedID = -1;
        this._cachedTint = 0xFFFFFF;
        this.uvs = this._texture._uvs.uvsFloat32;

        if (this.updateAnchor)

        if (this.onFrameChange)

     * Stops the AnimatedSprite and destroys it.
     * @param {object|boolean} [options] - Options parameter. A boolean will act as if all options
     *  have been set to that value.
     * @param {boolean} [options.children=false] - If set to true, all the children will have their destroy
     *      method called as well. 'options' will be passed on to those calls.
     * @param {boolean} [options.texture=false] - Should it destroy the current texture of the sprite as well.
     * @param {boolean} [options.baseTexture=false] - Should it destroy the base texture of the sprite as well.
    public destroy(options?: IDestroyOptions | boolean): void

        this.onComplete = null;
        this.onFrameChange = null;
        this.onLoop = null;

     * A short hand way of creating an AnimatedSprite from an array of frame ids.
     * @param frames - The array of frames ids the AnimatedSprite will use as its texture frames.
     * @returns - The new animated sprite with the specified frames.
    public static fromFrames(frames: string[]): AnimatedSprite
        const textures = [];

        for (let i = 0; i < frames.length; ++i)

        return new AnimatedSprite(textures);

     * A short hand way of creating an AnimatedSprite from an array of image ids.
     * @param images - The array of image urls the AnimatedSprite will use as its texture frames.
     * @returns The new animate sprite with the specified images as frames.
    public static fromImages(images: string[]): AnimatedSprite
        const textures = [];

        for (let i = 0; i < images.length; ++i)

        return new AnimatedSprite(textures);

     * The total number of frames in the AnimatedSprite. This is the same as number of textures
     * assigned to the AnimatedSprite.
     * @readonly
     * @default 0
    get totalFrames(): number
        return this._textures.length;

    /** The array of textures used for this AnimatedSprite. */
    get textures(): Texture[] | FrameObject[]
        return this._textures;

    set textures(value: Texture[] | FrameObject[])
        if (value[0] instanceof Texture)
            this._textures = value as Texture[];
            this._durations = null;
            this._textures = [];
            this._durations = [];

            for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++)
                this._textures.push((value[i] as FrameObject).texture);
                this._durations.push((value[i] as FrameObject).time);
        this._previousFrame = null;

     * The AnimatedSprites current frame index.
     * @readonly
    get currentFrame(): number
        let currentFrame = Math.floor(this._currentTime) % this._textures.length;

        if (currentFrame < 0)
            currentFrame += this._textures.length;

        return currentFrame;

     * Indicates if the AnimatedSprite is currently playing.
     * @readonly
    get playing(): boolean
        return this._playing;

    /** Whether to use PIXI.Ticker.shared to auto update animation time. */
    get autoUpdate(): boolean
        return this._autoUpdate;

    set autoUpdate(value: boolean)
        if (value !== this._autoUpdate)
            this._autoUpdate = value;

            if (!this._autoUpdate && this._isConnectedToTicker)
                Ticker.shared.remove(this.update, this);
                this._isConnectedToTicker = false;
            else if (this._autoUpdate && !this._isConnectedToTicker && this._playing)
                Ticker.shared.add(this.update, this);
                this._isConnectedToTicker = true;

/** @memberof PIXI.AnimatedSprite */
export interface FrameObject
    /** The {@link PIXI.Texture} of the frame. */
    texture: Texture;

    /** The duration of the frame, in milliseconds. */
    time: number;
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