@pixi/spatial-hash - PixiJS Spatial Hash Kit

Node.js CI

This package provides an 2D spatial hash implementation. You can use the spatial-hash as standalone or as a system on your renderer.

Standalone usage

If you do not need to hash your entire scene graph, then using a standalone object that is infrequently updated is ideal. This is especially true if you do not render on each tick.

import { SpatialHash } from 'pixi-spatial-hash';

const spatialHash = new SpatialHash(25);
const particleContainer = new Container();

// HINT: Setup your particle container with particles!!!

function updateSpatialHash() {

    for (let i = 0; i < particleContainer.children.length; i++)

function checkCollision() {

    for (let i = 0; i < particleContainer.children.length - 1; i++)
        const particle = particleContainer.children[i];
        const collidedParticles = spatialHash.search(particle.getBounds());// Set<Particle>

        if (collidedParticles.size > 0)
            alert('Particles have collided!');

Spatial-hash system usage

If you need a spatial hash over the whole scene graph updated each tick, then the spatial-hash system is the ideal method:

import { SpatialHashSystem } from 'pixi-spatial-hash';
import { Application } from 'pixi.js';

const app = new Application();


app.renderer.addSystem(SpatialHashSystem, "spatialHash");   // Install the SpatialHashSystem
app.renderer.spatialHash.addTarget(app.stage);              // Register app.stage as a hashed-target

// Optional: Use a Ticker to update the spatial hash each frame instead. By default, the spatial hash is
// updated on each render call.

// Optional-2: Update the spatial-hash right now! You can then search for any display-objects intersecting with a display-object
// or rectangle bounds.
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