import { State } from '@pixi/core';
import { Point, Polygon } from '@pixi/math';
import type { BLEND_MODES } from '@pixi/constants';
import { DRAW_MODES } from '@pixi/constants';
import { Container } from '@pixi/display';
import { settings } from '@pixi/settings';
import { MeshBatchUvs } from './MeshBatchUvs';
import type { MeshMaterial } from './MeshMaterial';

import type { IDestroyOptions } from '@pixi/display';
import type { Texture, Renderer, Geometry, Buffer, Shader } from '@pixi/core';
import type { IPointData } from '@pixi/math';

const tempPoint = new Point();
const tempPolygon = new Polygon();

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
export interface Mesh extends GlobalMixins.Mesh {}

 * Base mesh class.
 * This class empowers you to have maximum flexibility to render any kind of WebGL visuals you can think of.
 * This class assumes a certain level of WebGL knowledge.
 * If you know a bit this should abstract enough away to make your life easier!
 * Pretty much ALL WebGL can be broken down into the following:
 * - Geometry - The structure and data for the mesh. This can include anything from positions, uvs, normals, colors etc..
 * - Shader - This is the shader that PixiJS will render the geometry with (attributes in the shader must match the geometry)
 * - State - This is the state of WebGL required to render the mesh.
 * Through a combination of the above elements you can render anything you want, 2D or 3D!
 * @memberof PIXI
export class Mesh<T extends Shader = MeshMaterial> extends Container
     * Represents the vertex and fragment shaders that processes the geometry and runs on the GPU.
     * Can be shared between multiple Mesh objects.
     * @type {PIXI.Shader|PIXI.MeshMaterial}
    public shader: T;

     * Represents the WebGL state the Mesh required to render, excludes shader and geometry. E.g.,
     * blend mode, culling, depth testing, direction of rendering triangles, backface, etc.
    public state: State;

    /** The way the Mesh should be drawn, can be any of the {@link PIXI.DRAW_MODES} constants. */
    public drawMode: DRAW_MODES;

     * Typically the index of the IndexBuffer where to start drawing.
     * @default 0
    public start: number;

     * How much of the geometry to draw, by default `0` renders everything.
     * @default 0
    public size: number;

    private _geometry: Geometry;

    /** This is the caching layer used by the batcher. */
    private vertexData: Float32Array;

    /** If geometry is changed used to decide to re-transform the vertexData. */
    private vertexDirty: number;
    private _transformID: number;

    /** Internal roundPixels field. */
    private _roundPixels: boolean;

    /** Batched UV's are cached for atlas textures. */
    private batchUvs: MeshBatchUvs;

    // Internal-only properties
     * These are used as easy access for batching.
     * @private
    uvs: Float32Array;

     * These are used as easy access for batching.
     * @private
    indices: Uint16Array;
    _tintRGB: number;
    _texture: Texture;

     * @param geometry - The geometry the mesh will use.
     * @param {PIXI.MeshMaterial} shader - The shader the mesh will use.
     * @param state - The state that the WebGL context is required to be in to render the mesh
     *        if no state is provided, uses {@link PIXI.State.for2d} to create a 2D state for PixiJS.
     * @param drawMode - The drawMode, can be any of the {@link PIXI.DRAW_MODES} constants.
    constructor(geometry: Geometry, shader: T, state?: State, drawMode: DRAW_MODES = DRAW_MODES.TRIANGLES)

        this.geometry = geometry;
        this.shader = shader;
        this.state = state || State.for2d();
        this.drawMode = drawMode;
        this.start = 0;
        this.size = 0;

        this.uvs = null;
        this.indices = null;
        this.vertexData = new Float32Array(1);
        this.vertexDirty = -1;

        this._transformID = -1;
        this._roundPixels = settings.ROUND_PIXELS;
        this.batchUvs = null;

     * Includes vertex positions, face indices, normals, colors, UVs, and
     * custom attributes within buffers, reducing the cost of passing all
     * this data to the GPU. Can be shared between multiple Mesh objects.
    get geometry(): Geometry
        return this._geometry;

    set geometry(value: Geometry)
        if (this._geometry === value)

        if (this._geometry)

            if (this._geometry.refCount === 0)

        this._geometry = value;

        if (this._geometry)

        this.vertexDirty = -1;

     * To change mesh uv's, change its uvBuffer data and increment its _updateID.
     * @readonly
    get uvBuffer(): Buffer
        return this.geometry.buffers[1];

     * To change mesh vertices, change its uvBuffer data and increment its _updateID.
     * Incrementing _updateID is optional because most of Mesh objects do it anyway.
     * @readonly
    get verticesBuffer(): Buffer
        return this.geometry.buffers[0];

    /** Alias for {@link PIXI.Mesh#shader}. */
    set material(value: T)
        this.shader = value;

    get material(): T
        return this.shader;

     * The blend mode to be applied to the Mesh. Apply a value of
     * `PIXI.BLEND_MODES.NORMAL` to reset the blend mode.
     * @default PIXI.BLEND_MODES.NORMAL;
    set blendMode(value: BLEND_MODES)
        this.state.blendMode = value;

    get blendMode(): BLEND_MODES
        return this.state.blendMode;

     * If true PixiJS will Math.floor() x/y values when rendering, stopping pixel interpolation.
     * Advantages can include sharper image quality (like text) and faster rendering on canvas.
     * The main disadvantage is movement of objects may appear less smooth.
     * To set the global default, change {@link PIXI.settings.ROUND_PIXELS}
     * @default false
    set roundPixels(value: boolean)
        if (this._roundPixels !== value)
            this._transformID = -1;
        this._roundPixels = value;

    get roundPixels(): boolean
        return this._roundPixels;

     * The multiply tint applied to the Mesh. This is a hex value. A value of
     * `0xFFFFFF` will remove any tint effect.
     * Null for non-MeshMaterial shaders
     * @default 0xFFFFFF
    get tint(): number
        return 'tint' in this.shader ? (this.shader as unknown as MeshMaterial).tint : null;

    set tint(value: number)
        (this.shader as unknown as MeshMaterial).tint = value;

    /** The texture that the Mesh uses. Null for non-MeshMaterial shaders */
    get texture(): Texture
        return 'texture' in this.shader ? (this.shader as unknown as MeshMaterial).texture : null;

    set texture(value: Texture)
        (this.shader as unknown as MeshMaterial).texture = value;

     * Standard renderer draw.
     * @param renderer - Instance to renderer.
    protected _render(renderer: Renderer): void
        // set properties for batching..
        // TODO could use a different way to grab verts?
        const vertices = this.geometry.buffers[0].data;
        const shader = this.shader as unknown as MeshMaterial;

        // TODO benchmark check for attribute size..
        if (
            && this.drawMode === DRAW_MODES.TRIANGLES
            && vertices.length < Mesh.BATCHABLE_SIZE * 2

     * Standard non-batching way of rendering.
     * @param renderer - Instance to renderer.
    protected _renderDefault(renderer: Renderer): void
        const shader = this.shader as unknown as MeshMaterial;

        shader.alpha = this.worldAlpha;
        if (shader.update)


        // bind and sync uniforms..
        shader.uniforms.translationMatrix = this.transform.worldTransform.toArray(true);

        // set state..

        // bind the geometry...
        renderer.geometry.bind(this.geometry, shader);

        // then render it
        renderer.geometry.draw(this.drawMode, this.size, this.start, this.geometry.instanceCount);

     * Rendering by using the Batch system.
     * @param renderer - Instance to renderer.
    protected _renderToBatch(renderer: Renderer): void
        const geometry = this.geometry;
        const shader = this.shader as unknown as MeshMaterial;

        if (shader.uvMatrix)

        // set properties for batching..
        this.indices = as Uint16Array;
        this._tintRGB = shader._tintRGB;
        this._texture = shader.texture;

        const pluginName = (this.material as unknown as MeshMaterial).pluginName;


    /** Updates vertexData field based on transform and vertices. */
    public calculateVertices(): void
        const geometry = this.geometry;
        const verticesBuffer = geometry.buffers[0];
        const vertices =;
        const vertexDirtyId = verticesBuffer._updateID;

        if (vertexDirtyId === this.vertexDirty && this._transformID === this.transform._worldID)

        this._transformID = this.transform._worldID;

        if (this.vertexData.length !== vertices.length)
            this.vertexData = new Float32Array(vertices.length);

        const wt = this.transform.worldTransform;
        const a = wt.a;
        const b = wt.b;
        const c = wt.c;
        const d = wt.d;
        const tx = wt.tx;
        const ty = wt.ty;

        const vertexData = this.vertexData;

        for (let i = 0; i < vertexData.length / 2; i++)
            const x = vertices[(i * 2)];
            const y = vertices[(i * 2) + 1];

            vertexData[(i * 2)] = (a * x) + (c * y) + tx;
            vertexData[(i * 2) + 1] = (b * x) + (d * y) + ty;

        if (this._roundPixels)
            const resolution = settings.RESOLUTION;

            for (let i = 0; i < vertexData.length; ++i)
                vertexData[i] = Math.round((vertexData[i] * resolution | 0) / resolution);

        this.vertexDirty = vertexDirtyId;

    /** Updates uv field based on from geometry uv's or batchUvs. */
    public calculateUvs(): void
        const geomUvs = this.geometry.buffers[1];
        const shader = this.shader as unknown as MeshMaterial;

        if (!shader.uvMatrix.isSimple)
            if (!this.batchUvs)
                this.batchUvs = new MeshBatchUvs(geomUvs, shader.uvMatrix);
            this.uvs =;
            this.uvs = as Float32Array;

     * Updates the bounds of the mesh as a rectangle. The bounds calculation takes the worldTransform into account.
     * there must be a aVertexPosition attribute present in the geometry for bounds to be calculated correctly.
    protected _calculateBounds(): void

        this._bounds.addVertexData(this.vertexData, 0, this.vertexData.length);

     * Tests if a point is inside this mesh. Works only for PIXI.DRAW_MODES.TRIANGLES.
     * @param point - The point to test.
     * @returns - The result of the test.
    public containsPoint(point: IPointData): boolean
        if (!this.getBounds().contains(point.x, point.y))
            return false;

        this.worldTransform.applyInverse(point, tempPoint);

        const vertices = this.geometry.getBuffer('aVertexPosition').data;

        const points = tempPolygon.points;
        const indices =  this.geometry.getIndex().data;
        const len = indices.length;
        const step = this.drawMode === 4 ? 3 : 1;

        for (let i = 0; i + 2 < len; i += step)
            const ind0 = indices[i] * 2;
            const ind1 = indices[i + 1] * 2;
            const ind2 = indices[i + 2] * 2;

            points[0] = vertices[ind0];
            points[1] = vertices[ind0 + 1];
            points[2] = vertices[ind1];
            points[3] = vertices[ind1 + 1];
            points[4] = vertices[ind2];
            points[5] = vertices[ind2 + 1];

            if (tempPolygon.contains(tempPoint.x, tempPoint.y))
                return true;

        return false;

    public destroy(options?: IDestroyOptions | boolean): void

        if (this._cachedTexture)
            this._cachedTexture = null;

        this.geometry = null;
        this.shader = null;
        this.state = null;
        this.uvs = null;
        this.indices = null;
        this.vertexData = null;

    /** The maximum number of vertices to consider batchable. Generally, the complexity of the geometry. */
    public static BATCHABLE_SIZE = 100;
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