// Your friendly neighbour https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dihedral_group
// This file implements the dihedral group of order 16, also called
// of degree 8. That's why its called groupD8.

import { Matrix } from './Matrix';

 * Transform matrix for operation n is:
 * | ux | vx |
 * | uy | vy |

const ux = [1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1];
const uy = [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1];
const vx = [0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1];
const vy = [1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1];

 * [Cayley Table]{@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cayley_table}
 * for the composition of each rotation in the dihederal group D8.
 * @type {number[][]}
 * @private
const rotationCayley: number[][] = [];

 * Matrices for each `GD8Symmetry` rotation.
 * @type {PIXI.Matrix[]}
 * @private
const rotationMatrices: Matrix[] = [];

 * Alias for {@code Math.sign}.
const signum = Math.sign;

 * Initializes `rotationCayley` and `rotationMatrices`. It is called
 * only once below.
function init(): void
    for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        const row: number[] = [];


        for (let j = 0; j < 16; j++)
            /* Multiplies rotation matrices i and j. */
            const _ux = signum((ux[i] * ux[j]) + (vx[i] * uy[j]));
            const _uy = signum((uy[i] * ux[j]) + (vy[i] * uy[j]));
            const _vx = signum((ux[i] * vx[j]) + (vx[i] * vy[j]));
            const _vy = signum((uy[i] * vx[j]) + (vy[i] * vy[j]));

            /* Finds rotation matrix matching the product and pushes it. */
            for (let k = 0; k < 16; k++)
                if (ux[k] === _ux && uy[k] === _uy
                      && vx[k] === _vx && vy[k] === _vy)

    for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        const mat = new Matrix();

        mat.set(ux[i], uy[i], vx[i], vy[i], 0, 0);


type GD8Symmetry = number;
 * @memberof PIXI
 * @typedef {number} GD8Symmetry
 * @see PIXI.groupD8

 * Implements the dihedral group D8, which is similar to
 * group D4;
 * D8 is the same but with diagonals, and it is used for texture
 * rotations.
 * The directions the U- and V- axes after rotation
 * of an angle of `a: GD8Constant` are the vectors `(uX(a), uY(a))`
 * and `(vX(a), vY(a))`. These aren't necessarily unit vectors.
 * **Origin:**<br>
 *  This is the small part of gameofbombs.com portal system. It works.
 * @see PIXI.groupD8.E
 * @see PIXI.groupD8.SE
 * @see PIXI.groupD8.S
 * @see PIXI.groupD8.SW
 * @see PIXI.groupD8.W
 * @see PIXI.groupD8.NW
 * @see PIXI.groupD8.N
 * @see PIXI.groupD8.NE
 * @author Ivan @ivanpopelyshev
 * @namespace PIXI.groupD8
 * @memberof PIXI
export const groupD8 = {
     * | Rotation | Direction |
     * |----------|-----------|
     * || East      |
     * @memberof PIXI.groupD8
     * @constant {PIXI.GD8Symmetry}
    E: 0,

     * | Rotation | Direction |
     * |----------|-----------|
     * | 45°↻     | Southeast |
     * @memberof PIXI.groupD8
     * @constant {PIXI.GD8Symmetry}
    SE: 1,

     * | Rotation | Direction |
     * |----------|-----------|
     * | 90°↻     | South     |
     * @memberof PIXI.groupD8
     * @constant {PIXI.GD8Symmetry}
    S: 2,

     * | Rotation | Direction |
     * |----------|-----------|
     * | 135°↻    | Southwest |
     * @memberof PIXI.groupD8
     * @constant {PIXI.GD8Symmetry}
    SW: 3,

     * | Rotation | Direction |
     * |----------|-----------|
     * | 180°     | West      |
     * @memberof PIXI.groupD8
     * @constant {PIXI.GD8Symmetry}
    W: 4,

     * | Rotation    | Direction    |
     * |-------------|--------------|
     * | -135°/225°↻ | Northwest    |
     * @memberof PIXI.groupD8
     * @constant {PIXI.GD8Symmetry}
    NW: 5,

     * | Rotation    | Direction    |
     * |-------------|--------------|
     * | -90°/270°↻  | North        |
     * @memberof PIXI.groupD8
     * @constant {PIXI.GD8Symmetry}
    N: 6,

     * | Rotation    | Direction    |
     * |-------------|--------------|
     * | -45°/315°↻  | Northeast    |
     * @memberof PIXI.groupD8
     * @constant {PIXI.GD8Symmetry}
    NE: 7,

     * Reflection about Y-axis.
     * @memberof PIXI.groupD8
     * @constant {PIXI.GD8Symmetry}

     * Reflection about the main diagonal.
     * @memberof PIXI.groupD8
     * @constant {PIXI.GD8Symmetry}

     * Reflection about X-axis.
     * @memberof PIXI.groupD8
     * @constant {PIXI.GD8Symmetry}

     * Reflection about reverse diagonal.
     * @memberof PIXI.groupD8
     * @constant {PIXI.GD8Symmetry}

     * @memberof PIXI.groupD8
     * @param {PIXI.GD8Symmetry} ind - sprite rotation angle.
     * @returns {PIXI.GD8Symmetry} The X-component of the U-axis
     *    after rotating the axes.
    uX: (ind: GD8Symmetry): GD8Symmetry => ux[ind],

     * @memberof PIXI.groupD8
     * @param {PIXI.GD8Symmetry} ind - sprite rotation angle.
     * @returns {PIXI.GD8Symmetry} The Y-component of the U-axis
     *    after rotating the axes.
    uY: (ind: GD8Symmetry): GD8Symmetry => uy[ind],

     * @memberof PIXI.groupD8
     * @param {PIXI.GD8Symmetry} ind - sprite rotation angle.
     * @returns {PIXI.GD8Symmetry} The X-component of the V-axis
     *    after rotating the axes.
    vX: (ind: GD8Symmetry): GD8Symmetry => vx[ind],

     * @memberof PIXI.groupD8
     * @param {PIXI.GD8Symmetry} ind - sprite rotation angle.
     * @returns {PIXI.GD8Symmetry} The Y-component of the V-axis
     *    after rotating the axes.
    vY: (ind: GD8Symmetry): GD8Symmetry => vy[ind],

     * @memberof PIXI.groupD8
     * @param {PIXI.GD8Symmetry} rotation - symmetry whose opposite
     *   is needed. Only rotations have opposite symmetries while
     *   reflections don't.
     * @returns {PIXI.GD8Symmetry} The opposite symmetry of `rotation`
    inv: (rotation: GD8Symmetry): GD8Symmetry =>
        if (rotation & 8)// true only if between 8 & 15 (reflections)
            return rotation & 15;// or rotation % 16

        return (-rotation) & 7;// or (8 - rotation) % 8

     * Composes the two D8 operations.
     * Taking `^` as reflection:
     * |       | E=0 | S=2 | W=4 | N=6 | E^=8 | S^=10 | W^=12 | N^=14 |
     * |-------|-----|-----|-----|-----|------|-------|-------|-------|
     * | E=0   | E   | S   | W   | N   | E^   | S^    | W^    | N^    |
     * | S=2   | S   | W   | N   | E   | S^   | W^    | N^    | E^    |
     * | W=4   | W   | N   | E   | S   | W^   | N^    | E^    | S^    |
     * | N=6   | N   | E   | S   | W   | N^   | E^    | S^    | W^    |
     * | E^=8  | E^  | N^  | W^  | S^  | E    | N     | W     | S     |
     * | S^=10 | S^  | E^  | N^  | W^  | S    | E     | N     | W     |
     * | W^=12 | W^  | S^  | E^  | N^  | W    | S     | E     | N     |
     * | N^=14 | N^  | W^  | S^  | E^  | N    | W     | S     | E     |
     * [This is a Cayley table]{@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cayley_table}
     * @memberof PIXI.groupD8
     * @param {PIXI.GD8Symmetry} rotationSecond - Second operation, which
     *   is the row in the above cayley table.
     * @param {PIXI.GD8Symmetry} rotationFirst - First operation, which
     *   is the column in the above cayley table.
     * @returns {PIXI.GD8Symmetry} Composed operation
    add: (rotationSecond: GD8Symmetry, rotationFirst: GD8Symmetry): GD8Symmetry => (

     * Reverse of `add`.
     * @memberof PIXI.groupD8
     * @param {PIXI.GD8Symmetry} rotationSecond - Second operation
     * @param {PIXI.GD8Symmetry} rotationFirst - First operation
     * @returns {PIXI.GD8Symmetry} Result
    sub: (rotationSecond: GD8Symmetry, rotationFirst: GD8Symmetry): GD8Symmetry => (

     * Adds 180 degrees to rotation, which is a commutative
     * operation.
     * @memberof PIXI.groupD8
     * @param {number} rotation - The number to rotate.
     * @returns {number} Rotated number
    rotate180: (rotation: number): number => rotation ^ 4,

     * Checks if the rotation angle is vertical, i.e. south
     * or north. It doesn't work for reflections.
     * @memberof PIXI.groupD8
     * @param {PIXI.GD8Symmetry} rotation - The number to check.
     * @returns {boolean} Whether or not the direction is vertical
    isVertical: (rotation: GD8Symmetry): boolean => (rotation & 3) === 2, // rotation % 4 === 2

     * Approximates the vector `V(dx,dy)` into one of the
     * eight directions provided by `groupD8`.
     * @memberof PIXI.groupD8
     * @param {number} dx - X-component of the vector
     * @param {number} dy - Y-component of the vector
     * @returns {PIXI.GD8Symmetry} Approximation of the vector into
     *  one of the eight symmetries.
    byDirection: (dx: number, dy: number): GD8Symmetry =>
        if (Math.abs(dx) * 2 <= Math.abs(dy))
            if (dy >= 0)
                return groupD8.S;

            return groupD8.N;
        else if (Math.abs(dy) * 2 <= Math.abs(dx))
            if (dx > 0)
                return groupD8.E;

            return groupD8.W;
        else if (dy > 0)
            if (dx > 0)
                return groupD8.SE;

            return groupD8.SW;
        else if (dx > 0)
            return groupD8.NE;

        return groupD8.NW;

     * Helps sprite to compensate texture packer rotation.
     * @memberof PIXI.groupD8
     * @param {PIXI.Matrix} matrix - sprite world matrix
     * @param {PIXI.GD8Symmetry} rotation - The rotation factor to use.
     * @param {number} tx - sprite anchoring
     * @param {number} ty - sprite anchoring
    matrixAppendRotationInv: (matrix: Matrix, rotation: GD8Symmetry, tx = 0, ty = 0): void =>
        // Packer used "rotation", we use "inv(rotation)"
        const mat: Matrix = rotationMatrices[groupD8.inv(rotation)];

        mat.tx = tx;
        mat.ty = ty;
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