import { vertex } from '@tools/fragments';
import fragment from './glitch.frag';
import { Filter, Texture } from '@pixi/core';
import { SCALE_MODES } from '@pixi/constants';
import { DEG_TO_RAD, Rectangle } from '@pixi/math';
import type { IPoint } from '@pixi/math';
import type { FilterSystem, RenderTexture } from '@pixi/core';
import type { CLEAR_MODES } from '@pixi/constants';

type PointLike = IPoint | number[];

interface GlitchFilterOptions {
    slices: number;
    offset: number;
    direction: number;
    fillMode: number;
    seed: number;
    average: boolean;
    minSize: number;
    sampleSize: number;
    red: PointLike;
    green: PointLike;
    blue: PointLike;

 * The GlitchFilter applies a glitch effect to an object.<br>
 * ![original](../tools/screenshots/dist/original.png)![filter](../tools/screenshots/dist/glitch.png)
 * @class
 * @extends PIXI.Filter
 * @memberof PIXI.filters
 * @see @pixi/filter-glitch
 * @see pixi-filters
class GlitchFilter extends Filter
    /** Default constructor options. */
    public static readonly defaults: GlitchFilterOptions = {
        slices: 5,
        offset: 100,
        direction: 0,
        fillMode: 0,
        average: false,
        seed: 0,
        red: [0, 0],
        green: [0, 0],
        blue: [0, 0],
        minSize: 8,
        sampleSize: 512,

    /** Fill mode as transparent */
    static readonly TRANSPARENT = 0;

    /** Fill mode as original */
    static readonly ORIGINAL = 1;

    /** Fill mode as loop */
    static readonly LOOP = 2;

    /** Fill mode as clamp */
    static readonly CLAMP = 3;

    /** Fill mode as mirror */
    static readonly MIRROR = 4;

    /** The maximum offset value for each of the slices. */
    public offset = 100;

    /** The fill mode of the space after the offset. */
    public fillMode: number = GlitchFilter.TRANSPARENT;

     * `true` will divide the bands roughly based on equal amounts
     * where as setting to `false` will vary the band sizes dramatically (more random looking).
    public average = false;

     * A seed value for randomizing color offset. Animating
     * this value to `Math.random()` produces a twitching effect.
    public seed = 0;

    /** Minimum size of slices as a portion of the `sampleSize` */
    public minSize = 8;

    /** Height of the displacement map canvas. */
    public sampleSize = 512;

    /** Internally generated canvas. */
    private _canvas: HTMLCanvasElement;

     * The displacement map is used to generate the bands.
     * If using your own texture, `slices` will be ignored.
     * @member {PIXI.Texture}
     * @readonly
    public texture: Texture;

    /** Internal number of slices */
    private _slices = 0;

    private _offsets: Float32Array = new Float32Array(1);
    private _sizes: Float32Array = new Float32Array(1);

    /** direction is actually a setter for uniform.cosDir and uniform.sinDir.
     * Must be initialized to something different than the default value.
    private _direction = -1;

     * @param {object} [options] - The more optional parameters of the filter.
     * @param {number} [options.slices=5] - The maximum number of slices.
     * @param {number} [options.offset=100] - The maximum offset amount of slices.
     * @param {number} [options.direction=0] - The angle in degree of the offset of slices.
     * @param {number} [options.fillMode=0] - The fill mode of the space after the offset. Acceptable values:
     *  - `0` {@link PIXI.filters.GlitchFilter.TRANSPARENT TRANSPARENT}
     *  - `1` {@link PIXI.filters.GlitchFilter.ORIGINAL ORIGINAL}
     *  - `2` {@link PIXI.filters.GlitchFilter.LOOP LOOP}
     *  - `3` {@link PIXI.filters.GlitchFilter.CLAMP CLAMP}
     *  - `4` {@link PIXI.filters.GlitchFilter.MIRROR MIRROR}
     * @param {number} [options.seed=0] - A seed value for randomizing glitch effect.
     * @param {boolean} [options.average=false] - `true` will divide the bands roughly based on equal amounts
     *                 where as setting to `false` will vary the band sizes dramatically (more random looking).
     * @param {number} [options.minSize=8] - Minimum size of individual slice. Segment of total `sampleSize`
     * @param {number} [options.sampleSize=512] - The resolution of the displacement map texture.
     * @param {number[]} [[0,0]] - Red channel offset
     * @param {number[]} [[0,0]] - Green channel offset.
     * @param {number[]} [[0,0]] - Blue channel offset.
    constructor(options?: Partial<GlitchFilterOptions>)
        super(vertex, fragment);
        this.uniforms.dimensions = new Float32Array(2);

        this._canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
        this._canvas.width = 4;
        this._canvas.height = this.sampleSize;
        this.texture = Texture.from(this._canvas, { scaleMode: SCALE_MODES.NEAREST });

        Object.assign(this, GlitchFilter.defaults, options);

     * Override existing apply method in PIXI.Filter
     * @private
    apply(filterManager: FilterSystem, input: RenderTexture, output: RenderTexture, clear: CLEAR_MODES): void
        const { width, height } = input.filterFrame as Rectangle;

        this.uniforms.dimensions[0] = width;
        this.uniforms.dimensions[1] = height;
        this.uniforms.aspect = height / width;

        this.uniforms.seed = this.seed;
        this.uniforms.offset = this.offset;
        this.uniforms.fillMode = this.fillMode;

        filterManager.applyFilter(this, input, output, clear);

     * Randomize the slices size (heights).
     * @private
    private _randomizeSizes()
        const arr = this._sizes;
        const last = this._slices - 1;
        const size = this.sampleSize;
        const min = Math.min(this.minSize / size, 0.9 / this._slices);

        if (this.average)
            const count = this._slices;
            let rest = 1;

            for (let i = 0; i < last; i++)
                const averageWidth = rest / (count - i);
                const w =  Math.max(averageWidth * (1 - (Math.random() * 0.6)), min);

                arr[i] = w;
                rest -= w;
            arr[last] = rest;
            let rest = 1;
            const ratio = Math.sqrt(1 / this._slices);

            for (let i = 0; i < last; i++)
                const w = Math.max(ratio * rest * Math.random(), min);

                arr[i] = w;
                rest -= w;
            arr[last] = rest;


     * Shuffle the sizes of the slices, advanced usage.
    shuffle(): void
        const arr = this._sizes;
        const last = this._slices - 1;

        // shuffle
        for (let i = last; i > 0; i--)
            const rand = (Math.random() * i) >> 0;
            const temp = arr[i];

            arr[i] = arr[rand];
            arr[rand] = temp;

     * Randomize the values for offset from -1 to 1
     * @private
    private _randomizeOffsets(): void
        for (let i = 0; i < this._slices; i++)
            this._offsets[i] = Math.random() * (Math.random() < 0.5 ? -1 : 1);

     * Regenerating random size, offsets for slices.
    refresh(): void

     * Redraw displacement bitmap texture, advanced usage.
    redraw(): void
        const size = this.sampleSize;
        const texture = this.texture;
        const ctx = this._canvas.getContext('2d') as CanvasRenderingContext2D;

        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 8, size);

        let offset;
        let y = 0;

        for (let i = 0; i < this._slices; i++)
            offset = Math.floor(this._offsets[i] * 256);
            const height = this._sizes[i] * size;
            const red = offset > 0 ? offset : 0;
            const green = offset < 0 ? -offset : 0;

            ctx.fillStyle = `rgba(${red}, ${green}, 0, 1)`;
            ctx.fillRect(0, y >> 0, size, height + 1 >> 0);
            y += height;

        this.uniforms.displacementMap = texture;

     * Manually custom slices size (height) of displacement bitmap
     * @member {number[]|Float32Array}
    set sizes(sizes: Float32Array)
        const len = Math.min(this._slices, sizes.length);

        for (let i = 0; i < len; i++)
            this._sizes[i] = sizes[i];
    get sizes(): Float32Array
        return this._sizes;

     * Manually set custom slices offset of displacement bitmap, this is
     * a collection of values from -1 to 1. To change the max offset value
     * set `offset`.
     * @member {number[]|Float32Array}
    set offsets(offsets: Float32Array)
        const len = Math.min(this._slices, offsets.length);

        for (let i = 0; i < len; i++)
            this._offsets[i] = offsets[i];
    get offsets(): Float32Array
        return this._offsets;

     * The count of slices.
     * @default 5
    get slices(): number
        return this._slices;
    set slices(value: number)
        if (this._slices === value)
        this._slices = value;
        this.uniforms.slices = value;
        this._sizes = this.uniforms.slicesWidth = new Float32Array(value);
        this._offsets = this.uniforms.slicesOffset = new Float32Array(value);

     * The angle in degree of the offset of slices.
     * @default 0
    get direction(): number
        return this._direction;
    set direction(value: number)
        if (this._direction === value)
        this._direction = value;

        const radians = value * DEG_TO_RAD;

        this.uniforms.sinDir = Math.sin(radians);
        this.uniforms.cosDir = Math.cos(radians);

     * Red channel offset.
     * @member {PIXI.Point|number[]}
    get red(): PointLike
    set red(value: PointLike)
    { = value;

     * Green channel offset.
     * @member {PIXI.Point|number[]}
    get green(): PointLike
    set green(value: PointLike)
    { = value;

     * Blue offset.
     * @member {PIXI.Point|number[]}
    get blue(): PointLike
    set blue(value: PointLike)
    { = value;

     * Removes all references
    destroy(): void
        = this._canvas
        = this._sizes
        = this._offsets = null as any;

export { GlitchFilter };
export type { GlitchFilterOptions };
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