import { EventEmitter } from '@pixi/utils';
import { FederatedMouseEvent } from './FederatedMouseEvent';
import { FederatedPointerEvent } from './FederatedPointerEvent';
import { FederatedWheelEvent } from './FederatedWheelEvent';
import { Point } from '@pixi/math';

import type { Cursor, FederatedEventTarget } from './FederatedEventTarget';
import type { DisplayObject } from '@pixi/display';
import type { FederatedEvent } from './FederatedEvent';

// The maximum iterations used in propagation. This prevent infinite loops.

const tempHitLocation = new Point();
const tempLocalMapping = new Point();

 * The tracking data for each pointer held in the state of an {@link PIXI.EventBoundary}.
 * ```ts
 * pressTargetsByButton: {
 *      [id: number]: FederatedEventTarget[];
 * };
 * clicksByButton: {
 *     [id: number]: {
 *         clickCount: number;
 *         target: FederatedEventTarget;
 *         timeStamp: number;
 *     }
 * };
 * overTargets: FederatedEventTarget[];
 * ```
 * @typedef {object} TrackingData
 * @property {Record.<number, PIXI.FederatedEventTarget>} pressTargetsByButton - The pressed display objects'
 *  propagation paths by each button of the pointer.
 * @property {Record.<number, object>} clicksByButton - Holds clicking data for each button of the pointer.
 * @property {PIXI.DisplayObject[]} overTargets - The DisplayObject propagation path over which the pointer is hovering.
 * @memberof PIXI
type TrackingData = {
    pressTargetsByButton: {
        [id: number]: FederatedEventTarget[];
    clicksByButton: {
        [id: number]: {
            clickCount: number;
            target: FederatedEventTarget;
            timeStamp: number;
    overTargets: FederatedEventTarget[];

 * Internal storage of event listeners in EventEmitter.
 * @ignore
type EmitterListeners = Record<string,
| Array<{ fn(...args: any[]): any, context: any }>
| { fn(...args: any[]): any, context: any }

 * Event boundaries are "barriers" where events coming from an upstream scene are modified before downstream propagation.
 * ## Root event boundary
 * The {@link PIXI.EventSystem#rootBoundary rootBoundary} handles events coming from the &lt;canvas /&gt;.
 * {@link PIXI.EventSystem} handles the normalization from native {@link Events}
 * into {@link PIXI.FederatedEvent FederatedEvents}. The rootBoundary then does the hit-testing and event dispatch
 * for the upstream normalized event.
 * ## Additional event boundaries
 * An additional event boundary may be desired within an application's scene graph. For example, if a portion of the scene is
 * is flat with many children at one level - a spatial hash maybe needed to accelerate hit testing. In this scenario, the
 * container can be detached from the scene and glued using a custom event boundary.
 * ```ts
 * import { Container } from '@pixi/display';
 * import { EventBoundary } from '@pixi/events';
 * import { SpatialHash } from 'pixi-spatial-hash';
 * class HashedHitTestingEventBoundary
 * {
 *     private spatialHash: SpatialHash;
 *     constructor(scene: Container, spatialHash: SpatialHash)
 *     {
 *         super(scene);
 *         this.spatialHash = spatialHash;
 *     }
 *     hitTestRecursive(...)
 *     {
 *         // TODO: If target === this.rootTarget, then use spatial hash to get a
 *         // list of possible children that match the given (x,y) coordinates.
 *     }
 * }
 * class VastScene extends DisplayObject
 * {
 *     protected eventBoundary: EventBoundary;
 *     protected scene: Container;
 *     protected spatialHash: SpatialHash;
 *     constructor()
 *     {
 *         this.scene = new Container();
 *         this.spatialHash = new SpatialHash();
 *         this.eventBoundary = new HashedHitTestingEventBoundary(this.scene, this.spatialHash);
 *         // Populate this.scene with a ton of children, while updating this.spatialHash
 *     }
 * }
 * ```
 * @memberof PIXI
export class EventBoundary
     * The root event-target residing below the event boundary.
     * All events are dispatched trickling down and bubbling up to this `rootTarget`.
    public rootTarget: DisplayObject;

     * Emits events after they were dispatched into the scene graph.
     * This can be used for global events listening, regardless of the scene graph being used. It should
     * not be used by interactive libraries for normal use.
     * Special events that do not bubble all the way to the root target are not emitted from here,
     * e.g. pointerenter, pointerleave, click.
    public dispatch: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter();

    /** The cursor preferred by the event targets underneath this boundary. */
    public cursor: Cursor | string;

     * This flag would emit `pointermove`, `touchmove`, and `mousemove` events on all DisplayObjects.
     * The `moveOnAll` semantics mirror those of earlier versions of PixiJS. This was disabled in favor of
     * the Pointer Event API's approach.
    public moveOnAll = false;

     * Maps event types to forwarding handles for them.
     * {@link PIXI.EventBoundary EventBoundary} provides mapping for "pointerdown", "pointermove",
     * "pointerout", "pointerleave", "pointerover", "pointerup", and "pointerupoutside" by default.
     * @see PIXI.EventBoundary#addEventMapping
    protected mappingTable: Record<string, Array<{
        fn: (e: FederatedEvent) => void,
        priority: number

     * State object for mapping methods.
     * @see PIXI.EventBoundary#trackingData
    protected mappingState: Record<string, any> = {
        trackingData: {}

     * The event pool maps event constructors to an free pool of instances of those specific events.
     * @see PIXI.EventBoundary#allocateEvent
     * @see PIXI.EventBoundary#freeEvent
    protected eventPool: Map<typeof FederatedEvent, FederatedEvent[]> = new Map();

     * @param rootTarget - The holder of the event boundary.
    constructor(rootTarget?: DisplayObject)
        this.rootTarget = rootTarget;

        this.hitPruneFn = this.hitPruneFn.bind(this);
        this.hitTestFn = this.hitTestFn.bind(this);
        this.mapPointerDown = this.mapPointerDown.bind(this);
        this.mapPointerMove = this.mapPointerMove.bind(this);
        this.mapPointerOut = this.mapPointerOut.bind(this);
        this.mapPointerOver = this.mapPointerOver.bind(this);
        this.mapPointerUp = this.mapPointerUp.bind(this);
        this.mapPointerUpOutside = this.mapPointerUpOutside.bind(this);
        this.mapWheel = this.mapWheel.bind(this);

        this.mappingTable = {};
        this.addEventMapping('pointerdown', this.mapPointerDown);
        this.addEventMapping('pointermove', this.mapPointerMove);
        this.addEventMapping('pointerout', this.mapPointerOut);
        this.addEventMapping('pointerleave', this.mapPointerOut);
        this.addEventMapping('pointerover', this.mapPointerOver);
        this.addEventMapping('pointerup', this.mapPointerUp);
        this.addEventMapping('pointerupoutside', this.mapPointerUpOutside);
        this.addEventMapping('wheel', this.mapWheel);

     * Adds an event mapping for the event `type` handled by `fn`.
     * Event mappings can be used to implement additional or custom events. They take an event
     * coming from the upstream scene (or directly from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem}) and dispatch new downstream events
     * generally trickling down and bubbling up to {@link PIXI.EventBoundary.rootTarget this.rootTarget}.
     * To modify the semantics of existing events, the built-in mapping methods of EventBoundary should be overridden
     * instead.
     * @param type - The type of upstream event to map.
     * @param fn - The mapping method. The context of this function must be bound manually, if desired.
    public addEventMapping(type: string, fn: (e: FederatedEvent) => void): void
        if (!this.mappingTable[type])
            this.mappingTable[type] = [];

            priority: 0,
        this.mappingTable[type].sort((a, b) => a.priority - b.priority);

     * Dispatches the given event
     * @param e
     * @param type
    public dispatchEvent(e: FederatedEvent, type?: string): void
        e.propagationStopped = false;
        e.propagationImmediatelyStopped = false;

        this.propagate(e, type);
        this.dispatch.emit(type || e.type, e);

     * Maps the given upstream event through the event boundary and propagates it downstream.
     * @param e
    public mapEvent(e: FederatedEvent): void
        if (!this.rootTarget)

        const mappers = this.mappingTable[e.type];

        if (mappers)
            for (let i = 0, j = mappers.length; i < j; i++)
            console.warn(`[EventBoundary]: Event mapping not defined for ${e.type}`);

     * Finds the DisplayObject that is the target of a event at the given coordinates.
     * The passed (x,y) coordinates are in the world space above this event boundary.
     * @param x
     * @param y
    public hitTest(
        x: number,
        y: number,
    ): DisplayObject
        const invertedPath = this.hitTestRecursive(
            tempHitLocation.set(x, y),

        return invertedPath && invertedPath[0];

     * Propagate the passed event from from {@link EventBoundary.rootTarget this.rootTarget} to its
     * target {@code}.
     * @param e - The event to propagate.
     * @param type
    public propagate(e: FederatedEvent, type?: string): void
        if (!
            // This usually occurs when the scene graph is not interactive.

        const composedPath = e.composedPath();

        // Capturing phase
        e.eventPhase = e.CAPTURING_PHASE;

        for (let i = 0, j = composedPath.length - 1; i < j; i++)
            e.currentTarget = composedPath[i];

            this.notifyTarget(e, type);

            if (e.propagationStopped || e.propagationImmediatelyStopped) return;

        // At target phase
        e.eventPhase = e.AT_TARGET;
        e.currentTarget =;

        this.notifyTarget(e, type);

        if (e.propagationStopped || e.propagationImmediatelyStopped) return;

        // Bubbling phase
        e.eventPhase = e.BUBBLING_PHASE;

        for (let i = composedPath.length - 2; i >= 0; i--)
            e.currentTarget = composedPath[i];

            this.notifyTarget(e, type);

            if (e.propagationStopped || e.propagationImmediatelyStopped) return;

     * Emits the event {@link e} to all display objects. The event is propagated in the bubbling phase always.
     * This is used in the `pointermove` legacy mode.
     * @param e - The emitted event.
     * @param type - The listeners to notify.
     * @param target
    public all(e: FederatedEvent, type?: string, target: FederatedEventTarget = this.rootTarget): void
        e.eventPhase = e.BUBBLING_PHASE;

        const children = target.children;

        if (children)
            for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
                this.all(e, type, children[i]);

        e.currentTarget = target;
        this.notifyTarget(e, type);

     * Finds the propagation path from {@link PIXI.EventBoundary.rootTarget rootTarget} to the passed
     * {@code target}. The last element in the path is {@code target}.
     * @param target
    public propagationPath(target: FederatedEventTarget): FederatedEventTarget[]
        const propagationPath = [target];

        for (let i = 0; i < PROPAGATION_LIMIT && target !== this.rootTarget; i++)
            if (!target.parent)
                throw new Error('Cannot find propagation path to disconnected target');


            target = target.parent;


        return propagationPath;

     * Recursive implementation for {@link EventBoundary.hitTest hitTest}.
     * @param currentTarget - The DisplayObject that is to be hit tested.
     * @param interactive - Flags whether `currentTarget` or one of its parents are interactive.
     * @param location - The location that is being tested for overlap.
     * @param testFn - Callback that determines whether the target passes hit testing. This callback
     *  can assume that `pruneFn` failed to prune the display object.
     * @param pruneFn - Callback that determiness whether the target and all of its children
     *  cannot pass the hit test. It is used as a preliminary optimization to prune entire subtrees
     *  of the scene graph.
     * @returns An array holding the hit testing target and all its ancestors in order. The first element
     *  is the target itself and the last is {@link EventBoundary.rootTarget rootTarget}. This is the opposite
     *  order w.r.t. the propagation path. If no hit testing target is found, null is returned.
    protected hitTestRecursive(
        currentTarget: DisplayObject,
        interactive: boolean,
        location: Point,
        testFn: (object: DisplayObject, pt: Point) => boolean,
        pruneFn?: (object: DisplayObject, pt: Point) => boolean,
    ): DisplayObject[]
        if (!currentTarget || !currentTarget.visible)
            return null;

        // Attempt to prune this DisplayObject and its subtree as an optimization.
        if (pruneFn(currentTarget, location))
            return null;

        // Find a child that passes the hit testing and return one, if any.
        if (currentTarget.interactiveChildren && currentTarget.children)
            const children = currentTarget.children;

            for (let i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                const child = children[i] as DisplayObject;

                const nestedHit = this.hitTestRecursive(
                    interactive || child.interactive,

                if (nestedHit)
                    // Its a good idea to check if a child has lost its parent.
                    // this means it has been removed whilst looping so its best
                    if (nestedHit.length > 0 && !nestedHit[nestedHit.length - 1].parent)

                    // Only add the current hit-test target to the hit-test chain if the chain
                    // has already started (i.e. the event target has been found) or if the current
                    // target is interactive (i.e. it becomes the event target).
                    if (nestedHit.length > 0 || currentTarget.interactive)

                    return nestedHit;

        // Finally, hit test this DisplayObject itself.
        if (interactive && testFn(currentTarget, location))
            // The current hit-test target is the event's target only if it is interactive. Otherwise,
            // the first interactive ancestor will be the event's target.
            return currentTarget.interactive ? [currentTarget] : [];

        return null;

     * Checks whether the display object or any of its children cannot pass the hit test at all.
     * {@link EventBoundary}'s implementation uses the {@link PIXI.DisplayObject.hitArea hitArea}
     * and {@link PIXI.DisplayObject._mask} for pruning.
     * @param displayObject
     * @param location
    protected hitPruneFn(displayObject: DisplayObject, location: Point): boolean
        if (displayObject.hitArea)
            displayObject.worldTransform.applyInverse(location, tempLocalMapping);

            if (!displayObject.hitArea.contains(tempLocalMapping.x, tempLocalMapping.y))
                return true;

        if (displayObject._mask)
            const maskObject = ((displayObject._mask as any).isMaskData
                ? (displayObject._mask as any).maskObject : displayObject._mask);

            if (maskObject && !maskObject.containsPoint?.(location))
                return true;

        return false;

     * Checks whether the display object passes hit testing for the given location.
     * @param displayObject
     * @param location
     * @returns - Whether `displayObject` passes hit testing for `location`.
    protected hitTestFn(displayObject: DisplayObject, location: Point): boolean
        // If the display object failed pruning with a hitArea, then it must pass it.
        if (displayObject.hitArea)
            return true;

        if ((displayObject as any).containsPoint)
            return (displayObject as any).containsPoint(location) as boolean;

        // TODO: Should we hit test based on bounds?

        return false;

     * Notify all the listeners to the event's `currentTarget`.
     * @param e - The event passed to the target.
     * @param type
    protected notifyTarget(e: FederatedEvent, type?: string): void
        type = type ?? e.type;
        const key = e.eventPhase === e.CAPTURING_PHASE || e.eventPhase === e.AT_TARGET ? `${type}capture` : type;

        this.notifyListeners(e, key);

        if (e.eventPhase === e.AT_TARGET)
            this.notifyListeners(e, type);

     * Maps the upstream `pointerdown` events to a downstream `pointerdown` event.
     * `touchstart`, `rightdown`, `mousedown` events are also dispatched for specific pointer types.
     * @param from
    protected mapPointerDown(from: FederatedEvent): void
        if (!(from instanceof FederatedPointerEvent))
            console.warn('EventBoundary cannot map a non-pointer event as a pointer event');


        const e = this.createPointerEvent(from);

        this.dispatchEvent(e, 'pointerdown');

        if (e.pointerType === 'touch')
            this.dispatchEvent(e, 'touchstart');
        else if (e.pointerType === 'mouse' || e.pointerType === 'pen')
            const isRightButton = e.button === 2;

            this.dispatchEvent(e, isRightButton ? 'rightdown' : 'mousedown');

        const trackingData = this.trackingData(from.pointerId);

        trackingData.pressTargetsByButton[from.button] = e.composedPath();


     * Maps the upstream `pointermove` to downstream `pointerout`, `pointerover`, and `pointermove` events, in that order.
     * The tracking data for the specific pointer has an updated `overTarget`. `mouseout`, `mouseover`,
     * `mousemove`, and `touchmove` events are fired as well for specific pointer types.
     * @param from - The upstream `pointermove` event.
    protected mapPointerMove(from: FederatedEvent): void
        if (!(from instanceof FederatedPointerEvent))
            console.warn('EventBoundary cannot map a non-pointer event as a pointer event');


        const e = this.createPointerEvent(from);
        const isMouse = e.pointerType === 'mouse' || e.pointerType === 'pen';
        const trackingData = this.trackingData(from.pointerId);
        const outTarget = this.findMountedTarget(trackingData.overTargets);

        // First pointerout/pointerleave
        if (trackingData.overTargets && outTarget !==
            // pointerout always occurs on the overTarget when the pointer hovers over another element.
            const outType = from.type === 'mousemove' ? 'mouseout' : 'pointerout';
            const outEvent = this.createPointerEvent(from, outType, outTarget);

            this.dispatchEvent(outEvent, 'pointerout');
            if (isMouse) this.dispatchEvent(outEvent, 'mouseout');

            // If the pointer exits overTarget and its descendants, then a pointerleave event is also fired. This event
            // is dispatched to all ancestors that no longer capture the pointer.
            if (!e.composedPath().includes(outTarget))
                const leaveEvent = this.createPointerEvent(from, 'pointerleave', outTarget);

                leaveEvent.eventPhase = leaveEvent.AT_TARGET;

                while ( && !e.composedPath().includes(
                    leaveEvent.currentTarget =;

                    if (isMouse) this.notifyTarget(leaveEvent, 'mouseleave');




        // Then pointerover
        if (outTarget !==
            // pointerover always occurs on the new overTarget
            const overType = from.type === 'mousemove' ? 'mouseover' : 'pointerover';
            const overEvent = this.clonePointerEvent(e, overType);// clone faster

            this.dispatchEvent(overEvent, 'pointerover');
            if (isMouse) this.dispatchEvent(overEvent, 'mouseover');

            // Probe whether the newly hovered DisplayObject is an ancestor of the original overTarget.
            let overTargetAncestor = outTarget?.parent;

            while (overTargetAncestor && overTargetAncestor !== this.rootTarget.parent)
                if (overTargetAncestor === break;

                overTargetAncestor = overTargetAncestor.parent;

            // The pointer has entered a non-ancestor of the original overTarget. This means we need a pointerentered
            // event.
            const didPointerEnter = !overTargetAncestor || overTargetAncestor === this.rootTarget.parent;

            if (didPointerEnter)
                const enterEvent = this.clonePointerEvent(e, 'pointerenter');

                enterEvent.eventPhase = enterEvent.AT_TARGET;

                while (
                        && !== outTarget
                        && !== this.rootTarget.parent)
                    enterEvent.currentTarget =;

                    if (isMouse) this.notifyTarget(enterEvent, 'mouseenter');




        const propagationMethod = this.moveOnAll ? 'all' : 'dispatchEvent';

        // Then pointermove
        this[propagationMethod](e, 'pointermove');

        if (e.pointerType === 'touch') this[propagationMethod](e, 'touchmove');

        if (isMouse)
            this[propagationMethod](e, 'mousemove');
            this.cursor =;

        trackingData.overTargets = e.composedPath();


     * Maps the upstream `pointerover` to downstream `pointerover` and `pointerenter` events, in that order.
     * The tracking data for the specific pointer gets a new `overTarget`.
     * @param from - The upstream `pointerover` event.
    protected mapPointerOver(from: FederatedEvent): void
        if (!(from instanceof FederatedPointerEvent))
            console.warn('EventBoundary cannot map a non-pointer event as a pointer event');


        const trackingData = this.trackingData(from.pointerId);
        const e = this.createPointerEvent(from);
        const isMouse = e.pointerType === 'mouse' || e.pointerType === 'pen';

        this.dispatchEvent(e, 'pointerover');
        if (isMouse) this.dispatchEvent(e, 'mouseover');
        if (e.pointerType === 'mouse') this.cursor =;

        // pointerenter events must be fired since the pointer entered from upstream.
        const enterEvent = this.clonePointerEvent(e, 'pointerenter');

        enterEvent.eventPhase = enterEvent.AT_TARGET;

        while ( && !== this.rootTarget.parent)
            enterEvent.currentTarget =;

            if (isMouse) this.notifyTarget(enterEvent, 'mouseenter');


        trackingData.overTargets = e.composedPath();


     * Maps the upstream `pointerout` to downstream `pointerout`, `pointerleave` events, in that order.
     * The tracking data for the specific pointer is cleared of a `overTarget`.
     * @param from - The upstream `pointerout` event.
    protected mapPointerOut(from: FederatedEvent): void
        if (!(from instanceof FederatedPointerEvent))
            console.warn('EventBoundary cannot map a non-pointer event as a pointer event');


        const trackingData = this.trackingData(from.pointerId);

        if (trackingData.overTargets)
            const isMouse = from.pointerType === 'mouse' || from.pointerType === 'pen';
            const outTarget = this.findMountedTarget(trackingData.overTargets);

            // pointerout first
            const outEvent = this.createPointerEvent(from, 'pointerout', outTarget);

            if (isMouse) this.dispatchEvent(outEvent, 'mouseout');

            // pointerleave(s) are also dispatched b/c the pointer must've left rootTarget and its descendants to
            // get an upstream pointerout event (upstream events do not know rootTarget has descendants).
            const leaveEvent = this.createPointerEvent(from, 'pointerleave', outTarget);

            leaveEvent.eventPhase = leaveEvent.AT_TARGET;

            while ( && !== this.rootTarget.parent)
                leaveEvent.currentTarget =;

                if (isMouse) this.notifyTarget(leaveEvent, 'mouseleave');


            trackingData.overTargets = null;


        this.cursor = null;

     * Maps the upstream `pointerup` event to downstream `pointerup`, `pointerupoutside`, and `click`/`pointertap` events,
     * in that order.
     * The `pointerupoutside` event bubbles from the original `pointerdown` target to the most specific
     * ancestor of the `pointerdown` and `pointerup` targets, which is also the `click` event's target. `touchend`,
     * `rightup`, `mouseup`, `touchendoutside`, `rightupoutside`, `mouseupoutside`, and `tap` are fired as well for
     * specific pointer types.
     * @param from - The upstream `pointerup` event.
    protected mapPointerUp(from: FederatedEvent): void
        if (!(from instanceof FederatedPointerEvent))
            console.warn('EventBoundary cannot map a non-pointer event as a pointer event');


        const now =;
        const e = this.createPointerEvent(from);

        this.dispatchEvent(e, 'pointerup');

        if (e.pointerType === 'touch')
            this.dispatchEvent(e, 'touchend');
        else if (e.pointerType === 'mouse' || e.pointerType === 'pen')
            const isRightButton = e.button === 2;

            this.dispatchEvent(e, isRightButton ? 'rightup' : 'mouseup');

        const trackingData = this.trackingData(from.pointerId);
        const pressTarget = this.findMountedTarget(trackingData.pressTargetsByButton[from.button]);

        let clickTarget = pressTarget;

        // pointerupoutside only bubbles. It only bubbles upto the parent that doesn't contain
        // the pointerup location.
        if (pressTarget && !e.composedPath().includes(pressTarget))
            let currentTarget = pressTarget;

            while (currentTarget && !e.composedPath().includes(currentTarget))
                e.currentTarget = currentTarget;

                this.notifyTarget(e, 'pointerupoutside');

                if (e.pointerType === 'touch')
                    this.notifyTarget(e, 'touchendoutside');
                else if (e.pointerType === 'mouse' || e.pointerType === 'pen')
                    const isRightButton = e.button === 2;

                    this.notifyTarget(e, isRightButton ? 'rightupoutside' : 'mouseupoutside');

                currentTarget = currentTarget.parent;

            delete trackingData.pressTargetsByButton[from.button];

            // currentTarget is the most specific ancestor holding both the pointerdown and pointerup
            // targets. That is - it's our click target!
            clickTarget = currentTarget;

        // click!
        if (clickTarget)
            const clickEvent = this.clonePointerEvent(e, 'click');

   = clickTarget;
            clickEvent.path = null;

            if (!trackingData.clicksByButton[from.button])
                trackingData.clicksByButton[from.button] = {
                    clickCount: 0,
                    timeStamp: now,

            const clickHistory = trackingData.clicksByButton[from.button];

            if ( ===
                && now - clickHistory.timeStamp < 200)
                clickHistory.clickCount = 1;

            clickHistory.timeStamp = now;

            clickEvent.detail = clickHistory.clickCount;

            if (clickEvent.pointerType === 'mouse')
                this.dispatchEvent(clickEvent, 'click');
            else if (clickEvent.pointerType === 'touch')
                this.dispatchEvent(clickEvent, 'tap');

            this.dispatchEvent(clickEvent, 'pointertap');



     * Maps the upstream `pointerupoutside` event to a downstream `pointerupoutside` event, bubbling from the original
     * `pointerdown` target to `rootTarget`.
     * (The most specific ancestor of the `pointerdown` event and the `pointerup` event must the {@code EventBoundary}'s
     * root because the `pointerup` event occurred outside of the boundary.)
     * `touchendoutside`, `mouseupoutside`, and `rightupoutside` events are fired as well for specific pointer
     * types. The tracking data for the specific pointer is cleared of a `pressTarget`.
     * @param from - The upstream `pointerupoutside` event.
    protected mapPointerUpOutside(from: FederatedEvent): void
        if (!(from instanceof FederatedPointerEvent))
            console.warn('EventBoundary cannot map a non-pointer event as a pointer event');


        const trackingData = this.trackingData(from.pointerId);
        const pressTarget = this.findMountedTarget(trackingData.pressTargetsByButton[from.button]);
        const e = this.createPointerEvent(from);

        if (pressTarget)
            let currentTarget = pressTarget;

            while (currentTarget)
                e.currentTarget = currentTarget;

                this.notifyTarget(e, 'pointerupoutside');

                if (e.pointerType === 'touch')
                    this.notifyTarget(e, 'touchendoutside');
                else if (e.pointerType === 'mouse' || e.pointerType === 'pen')
                    this.notifyTarget(e, e.button === 2 ? 'rightupoutside' : 'mouseupoutside');

                currentTarget = currentTarget.parent;

            delete trackingData.pressTargetsByButton[from.button];


     * Maps the upstream `wheel` event to a downstream `wheel` event.
     * @param from - The upstream `wheel` event.
    protected mapWheel(from: FederatedEvent): void
        if (!(from instanceof FederatedWheelEvent))
            console.warn('EventBoundary cannot map a non-wheel event as a wheel event');


        const wheelEvent = this.createWheelEvent(from);


     * Finds the most specific event-target in the given propagation path that is still mounted in the scene graph.
     * This is used to find the correct `pointerup` and `pointerout` target in the case that the original `pointerdown`
     * or `pointerover` target was unmounted from the scene graph.
     * @param propagationPath - The propagation path was valid in the past.
     * @returns - The most specific event-target still mounted at the same location in the scene graph.
    protected findMountedTarget(propagationPath: FederatedEventTarget[]): FederatedEventTarget
        if (!propagationPath)
            return null;

        let currentTarget = propagationPath[0];

        for (let i = 1; i < propagationPath.length; i++)
            // Set currentTarget to the next target in the path only if it is still attached to the
            // scene graph (i.e. parent still points to the expected ancestor).
            if (propagationPath[i].parent === currentTarget)
                currentTarget = propagationPath[i];

        return currentTarget;

     * Creates an event whose {@code originalEvent} is {@code from}, with an optional `type` and `target` override.
     * The event is allocated using {@link PIXI.EventBoundary#allocateEvent this.allocateEvent}.
     * @param from - The {@code originalEvent} for the returned event.
     * @param [type=from.type] - The type of the returned event.
     * @param target - The target of the returned event.
    protected createPointerEvent(
        from: FederatedPointerEvent,
        type?: string,
        target?: FederatedEventTarget
    ): FederatedPointerEvent
        const event = this.allocateEvent(FederatedPointerEvent);

        this.copyPointerData(from, event);
        this.copyMouseData(from, event);
        this.copyData(from, event);

        event.nativeEvent = from.nativeEvent;
        event.originalEvent = from; = target ?? this.hitTest(, as FederatedEventTarget;

        if (typeof type === 'string')
            event.type = type;

        return event;

     * Creates a wheel event whose {@code originalEvent} is {@code from}.
     * The event is allocated using {@link PIXI.EventBoundary#allocateEvent this.allocateEvent}.
     * @param from - The upstream wheel event.
    protected createWheelEvent(from: FederatedWheelEvent): FederatedWheelEvent
        const event = this.allocateEvent(FederatedWheelEvent);

        this.copyWheelData(from, event);
        this.copyMouseData(from, event);
        this.copyData(from, event);

        event.nativeEvent = from.nativeEvent;
        event.originalEvent = from; = this.hitTest(,;

        return event;

     * Clones the event {@code from}, with an optional {@code type} override.
     * The event is allocated using {@link PIXI.EventBoundary#allocateEvent this.allocateEvent}.
     * @param from - The event to clone.
     * @param [type=from.type] - The type of the returned event.
    protected clonePointerEvent(from: FederatedPointerEvent, type?: string): FederatedPointerEvent
        const event = this.allocateEvent(FederatedPointerEvent);

        event.nativeEvent = from.nativeEvent;
        event.originalEvent = from.originalEvent;

        this.copyPointerData(from, event);
        this.copyMouseData(from, event);
        this.copyData(from, event);

        // copy propagation path for perf =;
        event.path = from.composedPath().slice();
        event.type = type ?? event.type;

        return event;

     * Copies wheel {@link PIXI.FederatedWheelEvent} data from {@code from} into {@code to}.
     * The following properties are copied:
     * + deltaMode
     * + deltaX
     * + deltaY
     * + deltaZ
     * @param from
     * @param to
    protected copyWheelData(from: FederatedWheelEvent, to: FederatedWheelEvent): void
        to.deltaMode = from.deltaMode;
        to.deltaX = from.deltaX;
        to.deltaY = from.deltaY;
        to.deltaZ = from.deltaZ;

     * Copies pointer {@link PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} data from {@code from} into {@code to}.
     * The following properties are copied:
     * + pointerId
     * + width
     * + height
     * + isPrimary
     * + pointerType
     * + pressure
     * + tangentialPressure
     * + tiltX
     * + tiltY
     * @param from
     * @param to
    protected copyPointerData(from: FederatedEvent, to: FederatedEvent): void
        if (!(from instanceof FederatedPointerEvent && to instanceof FederatedPointerEvent)) return;

        to.pointerId = from.pointerId;
        to.width = from.width;
        to.height = from.height;
        to.isPrimary = from.isPrimary;
        to.pointerType = from.pointerType;
        to.pressure = from.pressure;
        to.tangentialPressure = from.tangentialPressure;
        to.tiltX = from.tiltX;
        to.tiltY = from.tiltY;
        to.twist = from.twist;

     * Copies mouse {@link PIXI.FederatedMouseEvent} data from {@code from} to {@code to}.
     * The following properties are copied:
     * + altKey
     * + button
     * + buttons
     * + clientX
     * + clientY
     * + metaKey
     * + movementX
     * + movementY
     * + pageX
     * + pageY
     * + x
     * + y
     * + screen
     * + global
     * @param from
     * @param to
    protected copyMouseData(from: FederatedEvent, to: FederatedEvent): void
        if (!(from instanceof FederatedMouseEvent && to instanceof FederatedMouseEvent)) return;

        to.altKey = from.altKey;
        to.button = from.button;
        to.buttons = from.buttons;
        to.ctrlKey = from.ctrlKey;
        to.metaKey = from.metaKey;


     * Copies base {@link PIXI.FederatedEvent} data from {@code from} into {@code to}.
     * The following properties are copied:
     * + isTrusted
     * + srcElement
     * + timeStamp
     * + type
     * @param from - The event to copy data from.
     * @param to - The event to copy data into.
    protected copyData(from: FederatedEvent, to: FederatedEvent): void
        to.isTrusted = from.isTrusted;
        to.srcElement = from.srcElement;
        to.timeStamp =;
        to.type = from.type;
        to.detail = from.detail;
        to.view = from.view;
        to.which = from.which;

     * @param id - The pointer ID.
     * @returns The tracking data stored for the given pointer. If no data exists, a blank
     *  state will be created.
    protected trackingData(id: number): TrackingData
        if (!this.mappingState.trackingData[id])
            this.mappingState.trackingData[id] = {
                pressTargetsByButton: {},
                clicksByButton: {},
                overTarget: null

        return this.mappingState.trackingData[id];

     * Allocate a specific type of event from {@link PIXI.EventBoundary#eventPool this.eventPool}.
     * This allocation is constructor-agnostic, as long as it only takes one argument - this event
     * boundary.
     * @param constructor - The event's constructor.
    protected allocateEvent<T extends FederatedEvent>(
        constructor: { new(boundary: EventBoundary): T }
    ): T
        if (!this.eventPool.has(constructor as any))
            this.eventPool.set(constructor as any, []);

        const event = this.eventPool.get(constructor as any).pop() as T
            || new constructor(this);

        event.eventPhase = event.NONE;
        event.currentTarget = null;
        event.path = null; = null;

        return event;

     * Frees the event and puts it back into the event pool.
     * It is illegal to reuse the event until it is allocated again, using `this.allocateEvent`.
     * It is also advised that events not allocated from {@link PIXI.EventBoundary#allocateEvent this.allocateEvent}
     * not be freed. This is because of the possibility that the same event is freed twice, which can cause
     * it to be allocated twice & result in overwriting.
     * @param event - The event to be freed.
     * @throws Error if the event is managed by another event boundary.
    protected freeEvent<T extends FederatedEvent>(event: T): void
        if (event.manager !== this) throw new Error('It is illegal to free an event not managed by this EventBoundary!');

        const constructor = event.constructor;

        if (!this.eventPool.has(constructor as any))
            this.eventPool.set(constructor as any, []);

        this.eventPool.get(constructor as any).push(event);

     * Similar to {@link EventEmitter.emit}, except it stops if the `propagationImmediatelyStopped` flag
     * is set on the event.
     * @param e - The event to call each listener with.
     * @param type - The event key.
    private notifyListeners(e: FederatedEvent, type: string): void
        const listeners = ((e.currentTarget as any)._events as EmitterListeners)[type];

        if (!listeners) return;

        if ('fn' in listeners)
  , e);
            for (
                let i = 0, j = listeners.length;
                i < j && !e.propagationImmediatelyStopped;
                listeners[i][i].context, e);

 * Fired when a mouse button (usually a mouse left-button) is pressed on the display.
 * object. DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#mousedown
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - The mousedown event.

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code mousedown}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#mousedowncapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - The capture phase mousedown.

 * Fired when a pointer device secondary button (usually a mouse right-button) is pressed
 * on the display object. DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#rightdown
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code rightdown}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#rightdowncapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - The rightdowncapture event.

 * Fired when a pointer device button (usually a mouse left-button) is released over the display
 * object. DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#mouseup
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code mouseup}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#mouseupcature
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when a pointer device secondary button (usually a mouse right-button) is released
 * over the display object. DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#rightup
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code rightup}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#rightupcapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when a pointer device button (usually a mouse left-button) is pressed and released on
 * the display object. DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * A {@code click} event fires after the {@code pointerdown} and {@code pointerup} events, in that
 * order. If the mouse is moved over another DisplayObject after the {@code pointerdown} event, the
 * {@code click} event is fired on the most specific common ancestor of the two target DisplayObjects.
 * The {@code detail} property of the event is the number of clicks that occurred within a 200ms
 * window of each other upto the current click. For example, it will be {@code 2} for a double click.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#click
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code click}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#clickcapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when a pointer device secondary button (usually a mouse right-button) is pressed
 * and released on the display object. DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * This event follows the semantics of {@code click}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#rightclick
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code rightclick}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#rightclickcapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when a pointer device button (usually a mouse left-button) is released outside the
 * display object that initially registered a
 * [mousedown]{@link PIXI.DisplayObject#event:mousedown}.
 * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * This event is specific to the Federated Events API. It does not have a capture phase, unlike most of the
 * other events. It only bubbles to the most specific ancestor of the targets of the corresponding {@code pointerdown}
 * and {@code pointerup} events, i.e. the target of the {@code click} event.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#mouseupoutside
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code mouseupoutside}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#mouseupoutsidecapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when a pointer device secondary button (usually a mouse right-button) is released
 * outside the display object that initially registered a
 * [rightdown]{@link PIXI.DisplayObject#event:rightdown}.
 * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#rightupoutside
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code rightupoutside}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#rightupoutsidecapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when a pointer device (usually a mouse) is moved while over the display object.
 * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#mousemove
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code mousemove}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#mousemovecature
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when a pointer device (usually a mouse) is moved onto the display object.
 * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#mouseover
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code mouseover}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#mouseovercapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when the mouse pointer is moved over a DisplayObject and its descendant's hit testing boundaries.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#mouseenter
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code mouseenter}
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#mouseentercapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when a pointer device (usually a mouse) is moved off the display object.
 * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * This may be fired on a DisplayObject that was removed from the scene graph immediately after
 * a {@code mouseover} event.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#mouseout
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code mouseout}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#mouseoutcapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when the mouse pointer exits a DisplayObject and its descendants.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#mouseleave
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code mouseleave}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#mouseleavecapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when a pointer device button is pressed on the display object.
 * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#pointerdown
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code pointerdown}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#pointerdowncapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when a pointer device button is released over the display object.
 * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#pointerup
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code pointerup}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#pointerupcapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when the operating system cancels a pointer event.
 * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#pointercancel
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code pointercancel}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#pointercancelcapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when a pointer device button is pressed and released on the display object.
 * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#pointertap
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code pointertap}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#pointertapcapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when a pointer device button is released outside the display object that initially
 * registered a [pointerdown]{@link PIXI.DisplayObject#event:pointerdown}.
 * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * This event is specific to the Federated Events API. It does not have a capture phase, unlike most of the
 * other events. It only bubbles to the most specific ancestor of the targets of the corresponding {@code pointerdown}
 * and {@code pointerup} events, i.e. the target of the {@code click} event.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#pointerupoutside
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code pointerupoutside}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#pointerupoutsidecapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when a pointer device is moved while over the display object.
 * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#pointermove
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code pointermove}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#pointermovecapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when a pointer device is moved onto the display object.
 * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#pointerover
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code pointerover}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#pointerovercapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when the pointer is moved over a DisplayObject and its descendant's hit testing boundaries.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#pointerenter
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code pointerenter}
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#pointerentercapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when a pointer device is moved off the display object.
 * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#pointerout
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code pointerout}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#pointeroutcapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when the pointer leaves the hit testing boundaries of a DisplayObject and its descendants.
 * This event notifies only the target and does not bubble.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#pointerleave
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - The `pointerleave` event.

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code pointerleave}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#pointerleavecapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when a touch point is placed on the display object.
 * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#touchstart
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code touchstart}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#touchstartcapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when a touch point is removed from the display object.
 * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#touchend
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code touchend}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#touchendcapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when the operating system cancels a touch.
 * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#touchcancel
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code touchcancel}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#touchcancelcapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when a touch point is placed and removed from the display object.
 * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#tap
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code tap}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#tapcapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when a touch point is removed outside of the display object that initially
 * registered a [touchstart]{@link PIXI.DisplayObject#event:touchstart}.
 * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#touchendoutside
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code touchendoutside}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#touchendoutsidecapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when a touch point is moved along the display object.
 * DisplayObject's `interactive` property must be set to `true` to fire event.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#touchmove
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code touchmove}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#touchmovecapture
 * @param {PIXI.FederatedPointerEvent} event - Event

 * Fired when a the user scrolls with the mouse cursor over a DisplayObject.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#wheel
 * @type {PIXI.FederatedWheelEvent}

 * Capture phase equivalent of {@code wheel}.
 * These events are propagating from the {@link PIXI.EventSystem EventSystem} in @pixi/events.
 * @event PIXI.DisplayObject#wheelcapture
 * @type {PIXI.FederatedWheelEvent}
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