import { BaseImageResource } from './BaseImageResource';
import { Ticker } from '@pixi/ticker';

import type { Dict } from '@pixi/utils';

export interface IVideoResourceOptions
    autoLoad?: boolean;
    autoPlay?: boolean;
    updateFPS?: number;
    crossorigin?: boolean | string;

export interface IVideoResourceOptionsElement
    src: string;
    mime: string;

 * Resource type for {@code HTMLVideoElement}.
 * @memberof PIXI
export class VideoResource extends BaseImageResource
    /** Override the source to be the video element. */
    public source: HTMLVideoElement;

     * `true` to use PIXI.Ticker.shared to auto update the base texture.
     * @default true
    protected _autoUpdate: boolean;

     * `true` if the instance is currently connected to PIXI.Ticker.shared to auto update the base texture.
     * @default false
    protected _isConnectedToTicker: boolean;
    protected _updateFPS: number;
    protected _msToNextUpdate: number;

     * When set to true will automatically play videos used by this texture once
     * they are loaded. If false, it will not modify the playing state.
     * @default true
    protected autoPlay: boolean;

     * Promise when loading.
     * @default null
    private _load: Promise<VideoResource>;

    /** Callback when completed with load. */
    private _resolve: (value?: VideoResource | PromiseLike<VideoResource>) => void;

     * @param {HTMLVideoElement|object|string|Array<string|object>} source - Video element to use.
     * @param {object} [options] - Options to use
     * @param {boolean} [options.autoLoad=true] - Start loading the video immediately
     * @param {boolean} [options.autoPlay=true] - Start playing video immediately
     * @param {number} [options.updateFPS=0] - How many times a second to update the texture from the video.
     * Leave at 0 to update at every render.
     * @param {boolean} [options.crossorigin=true] - Load image using cross origin
        source?: HTMLVideoElement | Array<string | IVideoResourceOptionsElement> | string, options?: IVideoResourceOptions
        options = options || {};

        if (!(source instanceof HTMLVideoElement))
            const videoElement = document.createElement('video');

            // workaround for
            videoElement.setAttribute('preload', 'auto');
            videoElement.setAttribute('webkit-playsinline', '');
            videoElement.setAttribute('playsinline', '');

            if (typeof source === 'string')
                source = [source];

            const firstSrc = (source[0] as IVideoResourceOptionsElement).src || source[0] as string;

            BaseImageResource.crossOrigin(videoElement, firstSrc, options.crossorigin);

            // array of objects or strings
            for (let i = 0; i < source.length; ++i)
                const sourceElement = document.createElement('source');

                let { src, mime } = source[i] as IVideoResourceOptionsElement;

                src = src || source[i] as string;

                const baseSrc = src.split('?').shift().toLowerCase();
                const ext = baseSrc.slice(baseSrc.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);

                mime = mime || VideoResource.MIME_TYPES[ext] || `video/${ext}`;

                sourceElement.src = src;
                sourceElement.type = mime;


            // Override the source
            source = videoElement;


        this.noSubImage = true;

        this._autoUpdate = true;
        this._isConnectedToTicker = false;

        this._updateFPS = options.updateFPS || 0;
        this._msToNextUpdate = 0;
        this.autoPlay = options.autoPlay !== false;

        this._load = null;
        this._resolve = null;

        // Bind for listeners
        this._onCanPlay = this._onCanPlay.bind(this);
        this._onError = this._onError.bind(this);

        if (options.autoLoad !== false)

     * Trigger updating of the texture.
     * @param _deltaTime - time delta since last tick
    update(_deltaTime = 0): void
        if (!this.destroyed)
            // account for if video has had its playbackRate changed
            const elapsedMS = Ticker.shared.elapsedMS * (this.source as HTMLVideoElement).playbackRate;

            this._msToNextUpdate = Math.floor(this._msToNextUpdate - elapsedMS);
            if (!this._updateFPS || this._msToNextUpdate <= 0)
                super.update(/* deltaTime*/);
                this._msToNextUpdate = this._updateFPS ? Math.floor(1000 / this._updateFPS) : 0;

     * Start preloading the video resource.
     * @returns {Promise<void>} Handle the validate event
    load(): Promise<VideoResource>
        if (this._load)
            return this._load;

        const source = this.source as HTMLVideoElement;

        if ((source.readyState === source.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA || source.readyState === source.HAVE_FUTURE_DATA)
            && source.width && source.height)
            (source as any).complete = true;

        source.addEventListener('play', this._onPlayStart.bind(this));
        source.addEventListener('pause', this._onPlayStop.bind(this));

        if (!this._isSourceReady())
            source.addEventListener('canplay', this._onCanPlay);
            source.addEventListener('canplaythrough', this._onCanPlay);
            source.addEventListener('error', this._onError, true);

        this._load = new Promise((resolve): void =>
            if (this.valid)
                this._resolve = resolve;


        return this._load;

     * Handle video error events.
     * @param event
    private _onError(event: ErrorEvent): void
        (this.source as HTMLVideoElement).removeEventListener('error', this._onError, true);

     * Returns true if the underlying source is playing.
     * @returns - True if playing.
    private _isSourcePlaying(): boolean
        const source = this.source as HTMLVideoElement;

        return (source.currentTime > 0 && source.paused === false && source.ended === false && source.readyState > 2);

     * Returns true if the underlying source is ready for playing.
     * @returns - True if ready.
    private _isSourceReady(): boolean
        const source = this.source as HTMLVideoElement;

        return source.readyState === 3 || source.readyState === 4;

    /** Runs the update loop when the video is ready to play. */
    private _onPlayStart(): void
        // Just in case the video has not received its can play even yet..
        if (!this.valid)

        if (this.autoUpdate && !this._isConnectedToTicker)
            Ticker.shared.add(this.update, this);
            this._isConnectedToTicker = true;

    /** Fired when a pause event is triggered, stops the update loop. */
    private _onPlayStop(): void
        if (this._isConnectedToTicker)
            Ticker.shared.remove(this.update, this);
            this._isConnectedToTicker = false;

    /** Fired when the video is loaded and ready to play. */
    private _onCanPlay(): void
        const source = this.source as HTMLVideoElement;

        source.removeEventListener('canplay', this._onCanPlay);
        source.removeEventListener('canplaythrough', this._onCanPlay);

        const valid = this.valid;

        this.resize(source.videoWidth, source.videoHeight);

        // prevent multiple loaded dispatches..
        if (!valid && this._resolve)
            this._resolve = null;

        if (this._isSourcePlaying())
        else if (this.autoPlay)

    /** Destroys this texture. */
    dispose(): void
        if (this._isConnectedToTicker)
            Ticker.shared.remove(this.update, this);
            this._isConnectedToTicker = false;

        const source = this.source as HTMLVideoElement;

        if (source)
            source.removeEventListener('error', this._onError, true);
            source.src = '';

    /** Should the base texture automatically update itself, set to true by default. */
    get autoUpdate(): boolean
        return this._autoUpdate;

    set autoUpdate(value: boolean)
        if (value !== this._autoUpdate)
            this._autoUpdate = value;

            if (!this._autoUpdate && this._isConnectedToTicker)
                Ticker.shared.remove(this.update, this);
                this._isConnectedToTicker = false;
            else if (this._autoUpdate && !this._isConnectedToTicker && this._isSourcePlaying())
                Ticker.shared.add(this.update, this);
                this._isConnectedToTicker = true;

     * How many times a second to update the texture from the video. Leave at 0 to update at every render.
     * A lower fps can help performance, as updating the texture at 60fps on a 30ps video may not be efficient.
    get updateFPS(): number
        return this._updateFPS;

    set updateFPS(value: number)
        if (value !== this._updateFPS)
            this._updateFPS = value;

     * Used to auto-detect the type of resource.
     * @param {*} source - The source object
     * @param {string} extension - The extension of source, if set
     * @returns {boolean} `true` if video source
    static test(source: unknown, extension?: string): source is HTMLVideoElement
        return (globalThis.HTMLVideoElement && source instanceof HTMLVideoElement)
            || VideoResource.TYPES.indexOf(extension) > -1;

     * List of common video file extensions supported by VideoResource.
     * @readonly
    static TYPES: Array<string> = ['mp4', 'm4v', 'webm', 'ogg', 'ogv', 'h264', 'avi', 'mov'];

     * Map of video MIME types that can't be directly derived from file extensions.
     * @readonly
    static MIME_TYPES: Dict<string> = {
        ogv: 'video/ogg',
        mov: 'video/quicktime',
        m4v: 'video/mp4',
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