import { uid } from '@pixi/utils';
import { BaseImageResource } from './BaseImageResource';
import { settings } from '@pixi/settings';

import type { ISize } from '@pixi/math';

export interface ISVGResourceOptions
    source?: string;
    scale?: number;
    width?: number;
    height?: number;
    autoLoad?: boolean;
    crossorigin?: boolean | string;
 * Resource type for SVG elements and graphics.
 * @memberof PIXI
export class SVGResource extends BaseImageResource
    /** Base64 encoded SVG element or URL for SVG file. */
    public readonly svg: string;

    /** The source scale to apply when rasterizing on load. */
    public readonly scale: number;

    /** A width override for rasterization on load. */
    public readonly _overrideWidth: number;

    /** A height override for rasterization on load. */
    public readonly _overrideHeight: number;

    /** Call when completely loaded. */
    private _resolve: () => void;

    /** Promise when loading */
    private _load: Promise<SVGResource>;

    /** Cross origin value to use */
    private _crossorigin?: boolean | string;

     * @param sourceBase64 - Base64 encoded SVG element or URL for SVG file.
     * @param {object} [options] - Options to use
     * @param {number} [options.scale=1] - Scale to apply to SVG. Overridden by...
     * @param {number} [options.width] - Rasterize SVG this wide. Aspect ratio preserved if height not specified.
     * @param {number} [options.height] - Rasterize SVG this high. Aspect ratio preserved if width not specified.
     * @param {boolean} [options.autoLoad=true] - Start loading right away.
    constructor(sourceBase64: string, options?: ISVGResourceOptions)
        options = options || {};

        this._width = 0;
        this._height = 0;

        this.svg = sourceBase64;
        this.scale = options.scale || 1;
        this._overrideWidth = options.width;
        this._overrideHeight = options.height;

        this._resolve = null;
        this._crossorigin = options.crossorigin;
        this._load = null;

        if (options.autoLoad !== false)

    load(): Promise<SVGResource>
        if (this._load)
            return this._load;

        this._load = new Promise((resolve): void =>
            // Save this until after load is finished
            this._resolve = (): void =>
                this.resize(this.source.width, this.source.height);

            // Convert SVG inline string to data-uri
            if (SVGResource.SVG_XML.test(this.svg.trim()))
                if (!btoa)
                    throw new Error('Your browser doesn\'t support base64 conversions.');
                (this as any).svg = `data:image/svg+xml;base64,${btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(this.svg)))}`;


        return this._load;

    /** Loads an SVG image from `imageUrl` or `data URL`. */
    private _loadSvg(): void
        const tempImage = new Image();

        BaseImageResource.crossOrigin(tempImage, this.svg, this._crossorigin);
        tempImage.src = this.svg;

        tempImage.onerror = (event): void =>
            if (!this._resolve)

            tempImage.onerror = null;

        tempImage.onload = (): void =>
            if (!this._resolve)

            const svgWidth = tempImage.width;
            const svgHeight = tempImage.height;

            if (!svgWidth || !svgHeight)
                throw new Error('The SVG image must have width and height defined (in pixels), canvas API needs them.');

            // Set render size
            let width = svgWidth * this.scale;
            let height = svgHeight * this.scale;

            if (this._overrideWidth || this._overrideHeight)
                width = this._overrideWidth || this._overrideHeight / svgHeight * svgWidth;
                height = this._overrideHeight || this._overrideWidth / svgWidth * svgHeight;
            width = Math.round(width);
            height = Math.round(height);

            // Create a canvas element
            const canvas = this.source as HTMLCanvasElement;

            canvas.width = width;
            canvas.height = height;
            (canvas as any)._pixiId = `canvas_${uid()}`;

            // Draw the Svg to the canvas
                .drawImage(tempImage, 0, 0, svgWidth, svgHeight, 0, 0, width, height);

            this._resolve = null;

     * Get size from an svg string using a regular expression.
     * @param svgString - a serialized svg element
     * @returns - image extension
    static getSize(svgString?: string): ISize
        const sizeMatch = SVGResource.SVG_SIZE.exec(svgString);
        const size: any = {};

        if (sizeMatch)
            size[sizeMatch[1]] = Math.round(parseFloat(sizeMatch[3]));
            size[sizeMatch[5]] = Math.round(parseFloat(sizeMatch[7]));

        return size;

    /** Destroys this texture. */
    dispose(): void
        this._resolve = null;
        this._crossorigin = null;

     * Used to auto-detect the type of resource.
     * @param {*} source - The source object
     * @param {string} extension - The extension of source, if set
     * @returns {boolean} - If the source is a SVG source or data file
    static test(source: unknown, extension?: string): boolean
        // url file extension is SVG
        return extension === 'svg'
            // source is SVG data-uri
            || (typeof source === 'string' && (/^data:image\/svg\+xml(;(charset=utf8|utf8))?;base64/).test(source))
            // source is SVG inline
            || (typeof source === 'string' && SVGResource.SVG_XML.test(source));

     * Regular expression for SVG XML document.
     * @example &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?&gt;&lt;!-- image/svg --&gt;&lt;svg
     * @readonly
    static SVG_XML = /^(<\?xml[^?]+\?>)?\s*(<!--[^(-->)]*-->)?\s*\<svg/m;

     * Regular expression for SVG size.
     * @example &lt;svg width="100" height="100"&gt;&lt;/svg&gt;
     * @readonly
    static SVG_SIZE = /<svg[^>]*(?:\s(width|height)=('|")(\d*(?:\.\d+)?)(?:px)?('|"))[^>]*(?:\s(width|height)=('|")(\d*(?:\.\d+)?)(?:px)?('|"))[^>]*>/i; // eslint-disable-line max-len
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