import { mapTypeAndFormatToInternalFormat } from './utils/mapTypeAndFormatToInternalFormat';
import { BaseTexture } from './BaseTexture';
import { GLTexture } from './GLTexture';
import { removeItems } from '@pixi/utils';
import { MIPMAP_MODES, WRAP_MODES, SCALE_MODES, TYPES, SAMPLER_TYPES } from '@pixi/constants';

import type { ISystem } from '../ISystem';
import type { Texture } from './Texture';
import type { IRenderingContext } from '../IRenderingContext';
import type { Renderer } from '../Renderer';

 * System plugin to the renderer to manage textures.
 * @memberof PIXI
export class TextureSystem implements ISystem
     * Bound textures.
     * @readonly
    public boundTextures: BaseTexture[];

     * List of managed textures.
     * @readonly
    public managedTextures: Array<BaseTexture>;

    /** Whether glTexture with int/uint sampler type was uploaded. */
    protected hasIntegerTextures: boolean;
    protected CONTEXT_UID: number;
    protected gl: IRenderingContext;
    protected internalFormats: { [type: number]: { [format: number]: number } };
    protected webGLVersion: number;

     * BaseTexture value that shows that we don't know what is bound.
     * @readonly
    protected unknownTexture: BaseTexture;

     * Did someone temper with textures state? We'll overwrite them when we need to unbind something.
     * @private
    protected _unknownBoundTextures: boolean;

     * Current location.
     * @readonly
    currentLocation: number;
    emptyTextures: {[key: number]: GLTexture};
    private renderer: Renderer;

     * @param renderer - The renderer this system works for.
    constructor(renderer: Renderer)
        this.renderer = renderer;

        // TODO set to max textures...
        this.boundTextures = [];
        this.currentLocation = -1;
        this.managedTextures = [];

        this._unknownBoundTextures = false;
        this.unknownTexture = new BaseTexture();

        this.hasIntegerTextures = false;

    /** Sets up the renderer context and necessary buffers. */
    contextChange(): void
        const gl = =;

        this.CONTEXT_UID = this.renderer.CONTEXT_UID;

        this.webGLVersion = this.renderer.context.webGLVersion;

        this.internalFormats = mapTypeAndFormatToInternalFormat(gl);

        const maxTextures = gl.getParameter(gl.MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS);

        this.boundTextures.length = maxTextures;

        for (let i = 0; i < maxTextures; i++)
            this.boundTextures[i] = null;

        // TODO move this.. to a nice make empty textures class..
        this.emptyTextures = {};

        const emptyTexture2D = new GLTexture(gl.createTexture());

        gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, emptyTexture2D.texture);
        gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, 1, 1, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, new Uint8Array(4));

        this.emptyTextures[gl.TEXTURE_2D] = emptyTexture2D;
        this.emptyTextures[gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP] = new GLTexture(gl.createTexture());

        gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, this.emptyTextures[gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP].texture);

        for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++)
            gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, gl.RGBA, 1, 1, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);

        gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
        gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);

        for (let i = 0; i < this.boundTextures.length; i++)
            this.bind(null, i);

     * Bind a texture to a specific location
     * If you want to unbind something, please use `unbind(texture)` instead of `bind(null, textureLocation)`
     * @param texture - Texture to bind
     * @param [location=0] - Location to bind at
    bind(texture: Texture | BaseTexture, location = 0): void
        const { gl } = this;

        texture = texture?.castToBaseTexture();

        // cannot bind partial texture
        // TODO: report a warning
        if (texture && texture.valid && !texture.parentTextureArray)
            texture.touched = this.renderer.textureGC.count;

            const glTexture = texture._glTextures[this.CONTEXT_UID] || this.initTexture(texture);

            if (this.boundTextures[location] !== texture)
                if (this.currentLocation !== location)
                    this.currentLocation = location;
                    gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + location);

                gl.bindTexture(, glTexture.texture);

            if (glTexture.dirtyId !== texture.dirtyId)
                if (this.currentLocation !== location)
                    this.currentLocation = location;
                    gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + location);

            this.boundTextures[location] = texture;
            if (this.currentLocation !== location)
                this.currentLocation = location;
                gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + location);

            gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.emptyTextures[gl.TEXTURE_2D].texture);
            this.boundTextures[location] = null;

    /** Resets texture location and bound textures Actual `bind(null, i)` calls will be performed at next `unbind()` call */
    reset(): void
        this._unknownBoundTextures = true;
        this.hasIntegerTextures = false;
        this.currentLocation = -1;

        for (let i = 0; i < this.boundTextures.length; i++)
            this.boundTextures[i] = this.unknownTexture;

     * Unbind a texture.
     * @param texture - Texture to bind
    unbind(texture?: BaseTexture): void
        const { gl, boundTextures } = this;

        if (this._unknownBoundTextures)
            this._unknownBoundTextures = false;
            // someone changed webGL state,
            // we have to be sure that our texture does not appear in multi-texture renderer samplers
            for (let i = 0; i < boundTextures.length; i++)
                if (boundTextures[i] === this.unknownTexture)
                    this.bind(null, i);

        for (let i = 0; i < boundTextures.length; i++)
            if (boundTextures[i] === texture)
                if (this.currentLocation !== i)
                    gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + i);
                    this.currentLocation = i;

                gl.bindTexture(, this.emptyTextures[].texture);
                boundTextures[i] = null;

     * Ensures that current boundTextures all have FLOAT sampler type,
     * see PIXI.SAMPLER_TYPES for explanation.
     * @param maxTextures - number of locations to check
    ensureSamplerType(maxTextures: number): void
        const { boundTextures, hasIntegerTextures, CONTEXT_UID } = this;

        if (!hasIntegerTextures)

        for (let i = maxTextures - 1; i >= 0; --i)
            const tex = boundTextures[i];

            if (tex)
                const glTexture = tex._glTextures[CONTEXT_UID];

                if (glTexture.samplerType !== SAMPLER_TYPES.FLOAT)

     * Initialize a texture
     * @private
     * @param texture - Texture to initialize
    initTexture(texture: BaseTexture): GLTexture
        const glTexture = new GLTexture(;

        // guarantee an update..
        glTexture.dirtyId = -1;

        texture._glTextures[this.CONTEXT_UID] = glTexture;

        texture.on('dispose', this.destroyTexture, this);

        return glTexture;

    initTextureType(texture: BaseTexture, glTexture: GLTexture): void
        glTexture.internalFormat = this.internalFormats[texture.type]?.[texture.format] ?? texture.format;

        if (this.webGLVersion === 2 && texture.type === TYPES.HALF_FLOAT)
            // we have to convert it to WebGL HALF_FLOAT
            glTexture.type =;
            glTexture.type = texture.type;

     * Update a texture
     * @private
     * @param {PIXI.BaseTexture} texture - Texture to initialize
    updateTexture(texture: BaseTexture): void
        const glTexture = texture._glTextures[this.CONTEXT_UID];

        if (!glTexture)

        const renderer = this.renderer;

        this.initTextureType(texture, glTexture);

        if (texture.resource && texture.resource.upload(renderer, texture, glTexture))
            // texture is uploaded, dont do anything!
            if (glTexture.samplerType !== SAMPLER_TYPES.FLOAT)
                this.hasIntegerTextures = true;
            // default, renderTexture-like logic
            const width = texture.realWidth;
            const height = texture.realHeight;
            const gl =;

            if (glTexture.width !== width
                || glTexture.height !== height
                || glTexture.dirtyId < 0)
                glTexture.width = width;
                glTexture.height = height;

                gl.texImage2D(, 0,

        // lets only update what changes..
        if (texture.dirtyStyleId !== glTexture.dirtyStyleId)
        glTexture.dirtyId = texture.dirtyId;

     * Deletes the texture from WebGL
     * @private
     * @param texture - the texture to destroy
     * @param [skipRemove=false] - Whether to skip removing the texture from the TextureManager.
    destroyTexture(texture: BaseTexture | Texture, skipRemove?: boolean): void
        const { gl } = this;

        texture = texture.castToBaseTexture();

        if (texture._glTextures[this.CONTEXT_UID])

  'dispose', this.destroyTexture, this);

            delete texture._glTextures[this.CONTEXT_UID];

            if (!skipRemove)
                const i = this.managedTextures.indexOf(texture);

                if (i !== -1)
                    removeItems(this.managedTextures, i, 1);

     * Update texture style such as mipmap flag
     * @private
     * @param {PIXI.BaseTexture} texture - Texture to update
    updateTextureStyle(texture: BaseTexture): void
        const glTexture = texture._glTextures[this.CONTEXT_UID];

        if (!glTexture)

        if ((texture.mipmap === MIPMAP_MODES.POW2 || this.webGLVersion !== 2) && !texture.isPowerOfTwo)
            glTexture.mipmap = false;
            glTexture.mipmap = texture.mipmap >= 1;

        if (this.webGLVersion !== 2 && !texture.isPowerOfTwo)
            glTexture.wrapMode = WRAP_MODES.CLAMP;
            glTexture.wrapMode = texture.wrapMode;

        if (texture.resource &&, texture, glTexture))
            // style is set, dont do anything!
            this.setStyle(texture, glTexture);

        glTexture.dirtyStyleId = texture.dirtyStyleId;

     * Set style for texture
     * @private
     * @param texture - Texture to update
     * @param glTexture
    setStyle(texture: BaseTexture, glTexture: GLTexture): void
        const gl =;

        if (glTexture.mipmap && texture.mipmap !== MIPMAP_MODES.ON_MANUAL)

        gl.texParameteri(, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, glTexture.wrapMode);
        gl.texParameteri(, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, glTexture.wrapMode);

        if (glTexture.mipmap)
            /* eslint-disable max-len */
            gl.texParameteri(, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, texture.scaleMode === SCALE_MODES.LINEAR ? gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR : gl.NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST);
            /* eslint-disable max-len */

            const anisotropicExt = this.renderer.context.extensions.anisotropicFiltering;

            if (anisotropicExt && texture.anisotropicLevel > 0 && texture.scaleMode === SCALE_MODES.LINEAR)
                const level = Math.min(texture.anisotropicLevel, gl.getParameter(anisotropicExt.MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT));

                gl.texParameterf(, anisotropicExt.TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, level);
            gl.texParameteri(, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, texture.scaleMode === SCALE_MODES.LINEAR ? gl.LINEAR : gl.NEAREST);

        gl.texParameteri(, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, texture.scaleMode === SCALE_MODES.LINEAR ? gl.LINEAR : gl.NEAREST);

    destroy(): void
        this.renderer = null;
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