import { AbstractRenderer } from './AbstractRenderer';
import { sayHello, isWebGLSupported, deprecation } from '@pixi/utils';
import { MaskSystem } from './mask/MaskSystem';
import { StencilSystem } from './mask/StencilSystem';
import { ScissorSystem } from './mask/ScissorSystem';
import { FilterSystem } from './filters/FilterSystem';
import { FramebufferSystem } from './framebuffer/FramebufferSystem';
import { RenderTextureSystem } from './renderTexture/RenderTextureSystem';
import { TextureSystem } from './textures/TextureSystem';
import { ProjectionSystem } from './projection/ProjectionSystem';
import { StateSystem } from './state/StateSystem';
import { GeometrySystem } from './geometry/GeometrySystem';
import { ShaderSystem } from './shader/ShaderSystem';
import { ContextSystem } from './context/ContextSystem';
import { BatchSystem } from './batch/BatchSystem';
import { TextureGCSystem } from './textures/TextureGCSystem';
import { MSAA_QUALITY, RENDERER_TYPE } from '@pixi/constants';
import { UniformGroup } from './shader/UniformGroup';
import type { Rectangle } from '@pixi/math';
import { Matrix } from '@pixi/math';
import { Runner } from '@pixi/runner';
import { BufferSystem } from './geometry/BufferSystem';
import { RenderTexture } from './renderTexture/RenderTexture';

import type { SCALE_MODES } from '@pixi/constants';
import type { IRendererOptions, IRendererPlugins, IRendererRenderOptions,
    IGenerateTextureOptions } from './AbstractRenderer';
import type { ISystemConstructor } from './ISystem';
import type { IRenderingContext } from './IRenderingContext';
import type { IRenderableObject } from './IRenderableObject';
import { extensions, ExtensionType } from '@pixi/extensions';

export interface IRendererPluginConstructor
    new (renderer: Renderer, options?: any): IRendererPlugin;

export interface IRendererPlugin
    destroy(): void;

 * The Renderer draws the scene and all its content onto a WebGL enabled canvas.
 * This renderer should be used for browsers that support WebGL.
 * This renderer works by automatically managing WebGLBatchesm, so no need for Sprite Batches or Sprite Clouds.
 * Don't forget to add the view to your DOM or you will not see anything!
 * Renderer is composed of systems that manage specific tasks. The following systems are added by default
 * whenever you create a renderer:
 * | System                               | Description                                                                   |
 * | ------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
 * | {@link PIXI.BatchSystem}             | This manages object renderers that defer rendering until a flush.             |
 * | {@link PIXI.ContextSystem}           | This manages the WebGL context and extensions.                                |
 * | {@link PIXI.EventSystem}             | This manages UI events.                                                       |
 * | {@link PIXI.FilterSystem}            | This manages the filtering pipeline for post-processing effects.              |
 * | {@link PIXI.FramebufferSystem}       | This manages framebuffers, which are used for offscreen rendering.            |
 * | {@link PIXI.GeometrySystem}          | This manages geometries & buffers, which are used to draw object meshes.      |
 * | {@link PIXI.MaskSystem}              | This manages masking operations.                                              |
 * | {@link PIXI.ProjectionSystem}        | This manages the `projectionMatrix`, used by shaders to get NDC coordinates.  |
 * | {@link PIXI.RenderTextureSystem}     | This manages render-textures, which are an abstraction over framebuffers.     |
 * | {@link PIXI.ScissorSystem}           | This handles scissor masking, and is used internally by {@link MaskSystem}    |
 * | {@link PIXI.ShaderSystem}            | This manages shaders, programs that run on the GPU to calculate 'em pixels.   |
 * | {@link PIXI.StateSystem}             | This manages the WebGL state variables like blend mode, depth testing, etc.   |
 * | {@link PIXI.StencilSystem}           | This handles stencil masking, and is used internally by {@link MaskSystem}    |
 * | {@link PIXI.TextureSystem}           | This manages textures and their resources on the GPU.                         |
 * | {@link PIXI.TextureGCSystem}         | This will automatically remove textures from the GPU if they are not used.    |
 * The breadth of the API surface provided by the renderer is contained within these systems.
 * @memberof PIXI
export class Renderer extends AbstractRenderer
     * WebGL context, set by {@link PIXI.ContextSystem this.context}.
     * @readonly
     * @member {WebGLRenderingContext}
    public gl: IRenderingContext;

    /** Global uniforms */
    public globalUniforms: UniformGroup;

    /** Unique UID assigned to the renderer's WebGL context. */
    public CONTEXT_UID: number;

     * Flag if we are rendering to the screen vs renderTexture
     * @readonly
     * @default true
    public renderingToScreen: boolean;

     * The number of msaa samples of the canvas.
     * @readonly
    public multisample: MSAA_QUALITY;
    // systems

     * Mask system instance
     * @readonly
    public mask: MaskSystem;

     * Context system instance
     * @readonly
    public context: ContextSystem;

     * State system instance
     * @readonly
    public state: StateSystem;

     * Shader system instance
     * @readonly
    public shader: ShaderSystem;

     * Texture system instance
     * @readonly
    public texture: TextureSystem;

     * Buffer system instance
     * @readonly
    public buffer: BufferSystem;

     * Geometry system instance
     * @readonly
    public geometry: GeometrySystem;

     * Framebuffer system instance
     * @readonly
    public framebuffer: FramebufferSystem;

     * Scissor system instance
     * @readonly
    public scissor: ScissorSystem;

     * Stencil system instance
     * @readonly
    public stencil: StencilSystem;

     * Projection system instance
     * @readonly
    public projection: ProjectionSystem;

     * Texture garbage collector system instance
     * @readonly
    public textureGC: TextureGCSystem;

     * Filter system instance
     * @readonly
    public filter: FilterSystem;

     * RenderTexture system instance
     * @readonly
    public renderTexture: RenderTextureSystem;

     * Batch system instance
     * @readonly
    public batch: BatchSystem;

     * Internal signal instances of **runner**, these
     * are assigned to each system created.
     * @see PIXI.Runner
     * @name runners
     * @private
     * @type {object}
     * @readonly
     * @property {PIXI.Runner} destroy - Destroy runner
     * @property {PIXI.Runner} contextChange - Context change runner
     * @property {PIXI.Runner} reset - Reset runner
     * @property {PIXI.Runner} update - Update runner
     * @property {PIXI.Runner} postrender - Post-render runner
     * @property {PIXI.Runner} prerender - Pre-render runner
     * @property {PIXI.Runner} resize - Resize runner
    runners: {[key: string]: Runner};

     * Create renderer if WebGL is available. Overrideable
     * by the **@pixi/canvas-renderer** package to allow fallback.
     * throws error if WebGL is not available.
     * @param options
     * @private
    static create(options?: IRendererOptions): AbstractRenderer
        if (isWebGLSupported())
            return new Renderer(options);

        throw new Error('WebGL unsupported in this browser, use "pixi.js-legacy" for fallback canvas2d support.');

     * @param [options] - The optional renderer parameters.
     * @param {number} [options.width=800] - The width of the screen.
     * @param {number} [options.height=600] - The height of the screen.
     * @param {HTMLCanvasElement} [options.view] - The canvas to use as a view, optional.
     * @param {boolean} [options.useContextAlpha=true] - Pass-through value for canvas' context `alpha` property.
     *   If you want to set transparency, please use `backgroundAlpha`. This option is for cases where the
     *   canvas needs to be opaque, possibly for performance reasons on some older devices.
     * @param {boolean} [options.autoDensity=false] - Resizes renderer view in CSS pixels to allow for
     *   resolutions other than 1.
     * @param {boolean} [options.antialias=false] - Sets antialias. If not available natively then FXAA
     *  antialiasing is used.
     * @param {number} [options.resolution=PIXI.settings.RESOLUTION] - The resolution / device pixel ratio of the renderer.
     * @param {boolean} [options.clearBeforeRender=true] - This sets if the renderer will clear
     *  the canvas or not before the new render pass. If you wish to set this to false, you *must* set
     *  preserveDrawingBuffer to `true`.
     * @param {boolean} [options.preserveDrawingBuffer=false] - Enables drawing buffer preservation,
     *  enable this if you need to call toDataUrl on the WebGL context.
     * @param {number} [options.backgroundColor=0x000000] - The background color of the rendered area
     *  (shown if not transparent).
     * @param {number} [options.backgroundAlpha=1] - Value from 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (fully opaque).
     * @param {string} [options.powerPreference] - Parameter passed to WebGL context, set to "high-performance"
     *  for devices with dual graphics card.
     * @param {object} [options.context] - If WebGL context already exists, all parameters must be taken from it.
    constructor(options?: IRendererOptions)
        super(RENDERER_TYPE.WEBGL, options);

        // the options will have been modified here in the super constructor with pixi's default settings..
        options = this.options; = null;

        this.CONTEXT_UID = 0;

        this.runners = {
            destroy: new Runner('destroy'),
            contextChange: new Runner('contextChange'),
            reset: new Runner('reset'),
            update: new Runner('update'),
            postrender: new Runner('postrender'),
            prerender: new Runner('prerender'),
            resize: new Runner('resize'),


        this.globalUniforms = new UniformGroup({
            projectionMatrix: new Matrix(),
        }, true);

        this.addSystem(MaskSystem, 'mask')
            .addSystem(ContextSystem, 'context')
            .addSystem(StateSystem, 'state')
            .addSystem(ShaderSystem, 'shader')
            .addSystem(TextureSystem, 'texture')
            .addSystem(BufferSystem, 'buffer')
            .addSystem(GeometrySystem, 'geometry')
            .addSystem(FramebufferSystem, 'framebuffer')
            .addSystem(ScissorSystem, 'scissor')
            .addSystem(StencilSystem, 'stencil')
            .addSystem(ProjectionSystem, 'projection')
            .addSystem(TextureGCSystem, 'textureGC')
            .addSystem(FilterSystem, 'filter')
            .addSystem(RenderTextureSystem, 'renderTexture')
            .addSystem(BatchSystem, 'batch');


        this.multisample = undefined;

         * The options passed in to create a new WebGL context.
        if (options.context)
                alpha: !!this.useContextAlpha,
                antialias: options.antialias,
                premultipliedAlpha: this.useContextAlpha && this.useContextAlpha !== 'notMultiplied',
                stencil: true,
                preserveDrawingBuffer: options.preserveDrawingBuffer,
                powerPreference: this.options.powerPreference,

        this.renderingToScreen = true;

        sayHello(this.context.webGLVersion === 2 ? 'WebGL 2' : 'WebGL 1');

        this.resize(this.options.width, this.options.height);

    protected contextChange(): void
        const gl =;

        let samples;

        if (this.context.webGLVersion === 1)
            const framebuffer = gl.getParameter(gl.FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING);

            gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, null);

            samples = gl.getParameter(gl.SAMPLES);

            gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer);
            const framebuffer = gl.getParameter(gl.DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING);

            gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, null);

            samples = gl.getParameter(gl.SAMPLES);

            gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer);

        if (samples >= MSAA_QUALITY.HIGH)
            this.multisample = MSAA_QUALITY.HIGH;
        else if (samples >= MSAA_QUALITY.MEDIUM)
            this.multisample = MSAA_QUALITY.MEDIUM;
        else if (samples >= MSAA_QUALITY.LOW)
            this.multisample = MSAA_QUALITY.LOW;
            this.multisample = MSAA_QUALITY.NONE;

     * Add a new system to the renderer.
     * @param ClassRef - Class reference
     * @param name - Property name for system, if not specified
     *        will use a static `name` property on the class itself. This
     *        name will be assigned as s property on the Renderer so make
     *        sure it doesn't collide with properties on Renderer.
     * @returns Return instance of renderer
    addSystem(ClassRef: ISystemConstructor, name: string): this
        const system = new ClassRef(this);

        if ((this as any)[name])
            throw new Error(`Whoops! The name "${name}" is already in use`);

        (this as any)[name] = system;

        for (const i in this.runners)

         * Fired after rendering finishes.
         * @event PIXI.Renderer#postrender

         * Fired before rendering starts.
         * @event PIXI.Renderer#prerender

         * Fired when the WebGL context is set.
         * @event PIXI.Renderer#context
         * @param {WebGLRenderingContext} gl - WebGL context.

        return this;

     * Renders the object to its WebGL view.
     * @param displayObject - The object to be rendered.
     * @param {object} [options] - Object to use for render options.
     * @param {PIXI.RenderTexture} [options.renderTexture] - The render texture to render to.
     * @param {boolean} [options.clear=true] - Should the canvas be cleared before the new render.
     * @param {PIXI.Matrix} [options.transform] - A transform to apply to the render texture before rendering.
     * @param {boolean} [options.skipUpdateTransform=false] - Should we skip the update transform pass?
    render(displayObject: IRenderableObject, options?: IRendererRenderOptions): void;

     * Please use the `option` render arguments instead.
     * @deprecated Since 6.0.0
     * @param displayObject
     * @param renderTexture
     * @param clear
     * @param transform
     * @param skipUpdateTransform
    render(displayObject: IRenderableObject, renderTexture?: RenderTexture,
        clear?: boolean, transform?: Matrix, skipUpdateTransform?: boolean): void;

     * @ignore
    render(displayObject: IRenderableObject, options?: IRendererRenderOptions | RenderTexture): void
        let renderTexture: RenderTexture;
        let clear: boolean;
        let transform: Matrix;
        let skipUpdateTransform: boolean;

        if (options)
            if (options instanceof RenderTexture)
                // #if _DEBUG
                deprecation('6.0.0', 'Renderer#render arguments changed, use options instead.');
                // #endif

                /* eslint-disable prefer-rest-params */
                renderTexture = options;
                clear = arguments[2];
                transform = arguments[3];
                skipUpdateTransform = arguments[4];
                /* eslint-enable prefer-rest-params */
                renderTexture = options.renderTexture;
                clear = options.clear;
                transform = options.transform;
                skipUpdateTransform = options.skipUpdateTransform;

        // can be handy to know!
        this.renderingToScreen = !renderTexture;


        // apply a transform at a GPU level
        this.projection.transform = transform;

        // no point rendering if our context has been blown up!
        if (this.context.isLost)

        if (!renderTexture)
            this._lastObjectRendered = displayObject;

        if (!skipUpdateTransform)
            // update the scene graph
            const cacheParent = displayObject.enableTempParent();

            // displayObject.hitArea = //TODO add a temp hit area


        if (clear !== undefined ? clear : this.clearBeforeRender)


        // apply transform..

        if (renderTexture)


        // reset transform after render
        this.projection.transform = null;


     * @override
     * @ignore
    generateTexture(displayObject: IRenderableObject,
        options: IGenerateTextureOptions | SCALE_MODES = {},
        resolution?: number, region?: Rectangle): RenderTexture
        const renderTexture = super.generateTexture(displayObject, options as any, resolution, region);


        return renderTexture;

     * Resizes the WebGL view to the specified width and height.
     * @param desiredScreenWidth - The desired width of the screen.
     * @param desiredScreenHeight - The desired height of the screen.
    resize(desiredScreenWidth: number, desiredScreenHeight: number): void
        super.resize(desiredScreenWidth, desiredScreenHeight);

        this.runners.resize.emit(this.screen.height, this.screen.width);

     * Resets the WebGL state so you can render things however you fancy!
     * @returns Returns itself.
    reset(): this

        return this;

    /** Clear the frame buffer. */
    clear(): void

     * Removes everything from the renderer (event listeners, spritebatch, etc...)
     * @param [removeView=false] - Removes the Canvas element from the DOM.
     *  See:
    destroy(removeView?: boolean): void

        for (const r in this.runners)

        // call base destroy

        // TODO nullify all the managers.. = null;

     * Please use `plugins.extract` instead.
     * @member {PIXI.Extract} extract
     * @deprecated since 6.0.0
     * @readonly
    public get extract(): any
        // #if _DEBUG
        deprecation('6.0.0', 'Renderer#extract has been deprecated, please use Renderer#plugins.extract instead.');
        // #endif

        return this.plugins.extract;

     * Collection of installed plugins. These are included by default in PIXI, but can be excluded
     * by creating a custom build. Consult the README for more information about creating custom
     * builds and excluding plugins.
     * @readonly
     * @property {PIXI.AccessibilityManager} accessibility Support tabbing interactive elements.
     * @property {PIXI.Extract} extract Extract image data from renderer.
     * @property {PIXI.InteractionManager} interaction Handles mouse, touch and pointer events.
     * @property {PIXI.ParticleRenderer} particle Renderer for ParticleContainer objects.
     * @property {PIXI.Prepare} prepare Pre-render display objects.
     * @property {PIXI.BatchRenderer} batch Batching of Sprite, Graphics and Mesh objects.
     * @property {PIXI.TilingSpriteRenderer} tilingSprite Renderer for TilingSprite objects.
    static __plugins: IRendererPlugins = {};

     * Use the {@link PIXI.extensions.add} API to register plugins.
     * @deprecated since 6.5.0
     * @param pluginName - The name of the plugin.
     * @param ctor - The constructor function or class for the plugin.
    static registerPlugin(pluginName: string, ctor: IRendererPluginConstructor): void
        // #if _DEBUG
        deprecation('6.5.0', 'Renderer.registerPlugin() has been deprecated, please use extensions.add() instead.');
        // #endif
            name: pluginName,
            type: ExtensionType.RendererPlugin,
            ref: ctor,

// Handle registration of extensions
extensions.handleByMap(ExtensionType.RendererPlugin, Renderer.__plugins);
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