import type { DisplayObject } from '@pixi/display';

export type PointerEvents = 'auto'
| 'none'
| 'visiblePainted'
| 'visibleFill'
| 'visibleStroke'
| 'visible'
| 'painted'
| 'fill'
| 'stroke'
| 'all'
| 'inherit';

export interface IAccessibleTarget
    accessible: boolean;
    accessibleTitle: string;
    accessibleHint: string;
    tabIndex: number;
    _accessibleActive: boolean;
    _accessibleDiv: IAccessibleHTMLElement;
    accessibleType: string;
    accessiblePointerEvents: PointerEvents;
    accessibleChildren: boolean;
    renderId: number;

export interface IAccessibleHTMLElement extends HTMLElement
    type?: string;
    displayObject?: DisplayObject;

 * Default property values of accessible objects
 * used by {@link PIXI.AccessibilityManager}.
 * @private
 * @function accessibleTarget
 * @memberof PIXI
 * @type {object}
 * @example
 *      function MyObject() {}
 *      Object.assign(
 *          MyObject.prototype,
 *          PIXI.accessibleTarget
 *      );
export const accessibleTarget: IAccessibleTarget = {
     *  Flag for if the object is accessible. If true AccessibilityManager will overlay a
     *   shadow div with attributes set
     * @member {boolean}
     * @memberof PIXI.DisplayObject#
    accessible: false,

     * Sets the title attribute of the shadow div
     * If accessibleTitle AND accessibleHint has not been this will default to 'displayObject [tabIndex]'
     * @member {?string}
     * @memberof PIXI.DisplayObject#
    accessibleTitle: null,

     * Sets the aria-label attribute of the shadow div
     * @member {string}
     * @memberof PIXI.DisplayObject#
    accessibleHint: null,

     * @member {number}
     * @memberof PIXI.DisplayObject#
     * @private
     * @todo Needs docs.
    tabIndex: 0,

     * @member {boolean}
     * @memberof PIXI.DisplayObject#
     * @todo Needs docs.
    _accessibleActive: false,

     * @member {boolean}
     * @memberof PIXI.DisplayObject#
     * @todo Needs docs.
    _accessibleDiv: null,

     * Specify the type of div the accessible layer is. Screen readers treat the element differently
     * depending on this type. Defaults to button.
     * @member {string}
     * @memberof PIXI.DisplayObject#
     * @default 'button'
    accessibleType: 'button',

     * Specify the pointer-events the accessible div will use
     * Defaults to auto.
     * @member {string}
     * @memberof PIXI.DisplayObject#
     * @default 'auto'
    accessiblePointerEvents: 'auto',

     * Setting to false will prevent any children inside this container to
     * be accessible. Defaults to true.
     * @member {boolean}
     * @memberof PIXI.DisplayObject#
     * @default true
    accessibleChildren: true,

    renderId: -1,
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